public void firstTick(){}//Same deal, although nice, I think it would be better to make the implementer make a 'firstTick' call themselves if they need. Simpler the better (less methods).
public void updateNetwork(float oldPressure){//Copied straight from TileHydraulicPump... Needs to be better >.<.
PressureNetwork newNetwork = null;
PressureNetwork foundNetwork = null;
PressureNetwork endNetwork = null;
//This block can merge networks!
for(ForgeDirection dir : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS) {
foundNetwork = PressureNetwork.getNetworkInDir(worldObj, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, dir);
if(foundNetwork != null) {
if(endNetwork == null) {
endNetwork = foundNetwork;
} else {
newNetwork = foundNetwork;
// connectedSides.add(dir);
if(newNetwork != null && endNetwork != null) {
//Hmm.. More networks!? What's this!?
newNetwork = null;
if(endNetwork != null) {
pNetwork = endNetwork;
pNetwork.addMachine(this, oldPressure, ForgeDirection.UP);
//Log.info("Found an existing network (" + pNetwork.getRandomNumber() + ") @ " + xCoord + "," + yCoord + "," + zCoord);
} else {
pNetwork = new PressureNetwork(this, oldPressure, ForgeDirection.UP);
//Log.info("Created a new network (" + pNetwork.getRandomNumber() + ") @ " + xCoord + "," + yCoord + "," + zCoord);