private LinkedHashMap<String, Chunk.Property<String>> process(List<AssetMetaData> data) throws Exception {
LinkedHashMap<String, Chunk.Property<String>> assets = new LinkedHashMap<String, Chunk.Property<String>>();
AssetDeployment deployment = assetManager.createDeployment();
for (AssetMetaData script : data) {
// Validate and resolve asset resources
String[] a = new String[] { script.getValue(), script.getMinified() };
URL[] resources = new URL[2];
for (int i = 0;i < a.length; i++) {
URL resource;
String value = a[i];
if (value != null) {
AssetLocation location = script.getLocation();
if (location == AssetLocation.APPLICATION) {
URL url = resolve(AssetLocation.APPLICATION, value);
if (url == null) {
throw new Exception("Could not resolve application " + value);
} else {
resource = url;
} else if (location == AssetLocation.SERVER) {
if (!value.startsWith("/")) {
URL url = resolve(AssetLocation.SERVER, "/" + value);
if (url == null) {
throw new Exception("Could not resolve server asset " + value);
resource = null;
} else {
resource = null;
} else {
resource = null;
resources[i] = resource;
deployment.addAsset(script.getId(), script.getType(), script.getLocation(), a[0], script.getHeader(), a[1], script.getMaxAge(), resources[0], script.getDependencies());
assets.put(script.getId(), new Chunk.Property<String>(script.getId(), PropertyType.ASSET));
// Should be true
return assets;