private void reComputeFunctionValueAndGradientHelper(double[] weightsForTheta){
MinRiskDAGradientSemiringParser gradientSemiringParser
= new MinRiskDAGradientSemiringParser(1, 0, scalingFactor, temperature);
MinRiskDAFuncValSemiringParser funcValSemiringParser
= new MinRiskDAFuncValSemiringParser(1, 0, scalingFactor, temperature);
for(int sentID=0; sentID < numSentence; sentID ++){
//System.out.println("#Process sentence " + sent_id);
FeatureForest fForest = hgFactory.nextHG(sentID);
/** Based on a model and a test hypergraph (which provides the topology and feature/risk annotation),
* compute the gradient.
//@todo: we should check if hg_test is a feature forest or not
HashMap<Integer, Double> gradients = gradientSemiringParser.computeGradientForTheta();
for(Map.Entry<Integer, Double> feature : gradients.entrySet()){
gradientsForTheta[feature.getKey()] -= feature.getValue(); //we are maximizing, instead of minizing