public static void runTest() throws Exception {
Random rd = new java.util.Random(new Date().getTime());
// The trainer interface with the native communication to the SVM-light
// shared libraries
SVMLightInterface trainer = new SVMLightInterface();
// The training data
LabeledFeatureVector[] traindata = new LabeledFeatureVector[N];
// Sort all feature vectors in ascedending order of feature dimensions
// before training the model
SVMLightInterface.SORT_INPUT_VECTORS = true;
// Generate a randomly initialized array of N sparse training vectors
// with at most M randomly chosen feature dimensions and values
System.out.print("GENERATING A RANDOM TRAINING SET [N=" + N + ", M=" + M
+ "] ..");
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
System.out.println("Iteration "+i);
int nDims = 1 + rd.nextInt(M - 1);
System.out.println("Set nDims to "+nDims);
int[] dims = new int[nDims];
double[] values = new double[nDims];
// Generate a number of distinct random feature dimensions
HashSet hashedDims = new HashSet();
while (hashedDims.size() < nDims) {
Integer newDim = new Integer(1 + rd.nextInt(M - 1));
System.out.println("Generated a dim: "+newDim);
// Fill the vectors
int j = 0;
System.out.println("now filling vectors");
for (Iterator iterator = hashedDims.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); j++) {
dims[j] = ((Integer);
values[j] = rd.nextDouble();
System.out.println("set dim[j] to "+dims[j]);
System.out.println("set vals[j] to "+values[j]);
if (i % 10 == 0) {
System.out.print(i + ".");
// Store dimension/value pairs in new LabeledFeatureVector object
traindata[i] = new LabeledFeatureVector(((i < (N / 2)) ? +1 : -1), dims,
// Use cosine similarities (LinearKernel with L2-normalized input vectors)
System.out.println(" DONE.");
// Initialize a new TrainingParamteres object with the default SVM-light
// values
TrainingParameters tp = new TrainingParameters();
// Switch on some debugging output
tp.getLearningParameters().verbosity = 1;
System.out.println("\nTRAINING SVM-light MODEL ..");
SVMLightModel model = trainer.trainModel(traindata, tp);
System.out.println(" DONE.");
// Use this to store a model to a file or read a model from a URL.
model = SVMLightModel.readSVMLightModelFromURL(new"jni_model.dat").toURL());
// Use the classifier on the randomly created feature vectors
System.out.println("\nVALIDATING SVM-light MODEL in Java..");
int precision = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
// Classify a test vector using the Java object
// (in a real application, this should not be one of the training vectors)
double d = model.classify(traindata[i]);
if ((traindata[i].getLabel() < 0 && d < 0)
|| (traindata[i].getLabel() > 0 && d > 0)) {
if (i % 10 == 0) {
System.out.print(i + ".");
System.out.println(" DONE.");
System.out.println("\n" + ((double) precision / N)
System.out.println("\nVALIDATING SVM-light MODEL in Native Mode..");
precision = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
// Classify a test vector using the Native Interface
// (in a real application, this should not be one of the training vectors)
double d = trainer.classifyNative(traindata[i]);
if ((traindata[i].getLabel() < 0 && d < 0)
|| (traindata[i].getLabel() > 0 && d > 0)) {
if (i % 10 == 0) {