Title: What-If analysis Plot
Description: This class provides a customization of Ptolemy Plot object used for JMVA what-if analysis.
mainPanel.add(left, BorderLayout.WEST); // Puts graph in the right panel // Creates label for X-axis String xLabel = ""; graph = new NewPlot(); xLabel = "Number of epochs"; graph.setXLabel(xLabel); graph.setXRange(0, 30); graph.setYLabel("Burstiness factor " + currentIndex); mainPanel.add(graph, BorderLayout.CENTER);
mainPanel.add(left, BorderLayout.WEST); // Puts graph in the right panel // Creates label for X-axis String xLabel = ""; graph = new NewPlot(); xLabel = "Time"; graph.setXLabel(currentIndex); graph.setXRange(0, 0); graph.setYLabel("Job / s"); mainPanel.add(graph, BorderLayout.CENTER);