Title: Warning Window
Description: This class provides a window to show warnings generated by model conversion. Warnings are expected tobe ctored in a Vector of Strings.
} updatePanels(); // Shows warnings if any if (retval == ModelLoader.WARNING) { new WarningWindow(modelLoader.getLastWarnings(), this, modelLoader.getInputFileFormat(), CommonConstants.JMVA).show(); } }
List res = ModelConverter.convertJMVAtoJSIM(data, output); JSIMMain jsim = new JSIMMain(output); jsim.show(); // If problems are found, shows warnings if (res.size() > 0) { new WarningWindow(res, jsim, CommonConstants.JMVA, CommonConstants.JSIM).show(); } }
} updatePanels(); // Shows warnings if any if (retval == ModelLoader.WARNING) { new WarningWindow(modelLoader.getLastWarnings(), this, modelLoader.getInputFileFormat(), CommonConstants.JABA) .show(); } updatePanels(); }
showErrorMessage(modelLoader.getFailureMotivation()); } // Shows warnings if any if (state == ModelLoader.WARNING) { new WarningWindow(modelLoader.getLastWarnings(), this, modelLoader.getInputFileFormat(), CommonConstants.JSIM).show(); } }
ExactModel output = new ExactModel(); List res = ModelConverter.convertJSIMtoJMVA(model, output); ExactWizard jmva = new ExactWizard(output); // If problems are found, shows warnings if (res.size() > 0) { new WarningWindow(res, jmva, CommonConstants.JSIM, CommonConstants.JMVA).show(); } }
} else if (state == ModelLoader.FAILURE) { showErrorMessage(modelLoader.getFailureMotivation()); } // Shows warnings if any if (state == ModelLoader.WARNING) { new WarningWindow(modelLoader.getLastWarnings(), mainWindow, modelLoader.getInputFileFormat(), CommonConstants.JSIM).show(); } }
ExactModel output = new ExactModel(); List res = ModelConverter.convertJSIMtoJMVA(model, output); ExactWizard jmva = new ExactWizard(output); // If problems are found, shows warnings if (res.size() > 0) { new WarningWindow(res, jmva, CommonConstants.JSIM, CommonConstants.JMVA).show(); } /* * Old code to use XSLT transformer (really bugged and unfinished) *