for(int i = 0; i < d.length; i++) {
d[i] = (float)(10.0*Math.random());
// Make the FFTWReal class to do the work
FFTWReal fftw = new FFTWReal();
// Take out of place forward FFT,
// return a double[] which hold Hermition
// complex array in interleaved format.
float ft[] = fftw.threeDimensionalForward(width,height,depth,d);
// Reconstruct, again out of place, back to real space
float recon[] = fftw.threeDimensionalBackward(width,height,depth,ft);
// Scale the inverse by 1/N to (no scale in FFTW)
// Use ArrayUtil class to do the work.
// for (int i=0;i<recon.length;i++) {