Package javax.xml.rpc

Examples of javax.xml.rpc.ServiceFactory$PropertyAccessAction

      String targetAddress = "http://" + getServerHostForURL() + ":8080/ws4ee-jbws309/BasicSecured";

      File wsdlFile = new File("resources/webservice/jbws309/META-INF/wsdl/OrganizationService.wsdl");
      assertTrue("wsdl file exists", wsdlFile.exists());

      ServiceFactory factory = ServiceFactory.newInstance();
      Service service = factory.createService(wsdlFile.toURL(), new QName(nsURI, "OrganizationService"));
      Call call = service.createCall(new QName(nsURI, "BasicSecuredPort"), "getContactInfo");

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            URL wsdlURL = new URL("http://localhost:8000/services/MagicGBall?wsdl");
            String namespaceURI = "";
            QName serviceQName = new QName(namespaceURI, "MagicGBallService");
            QName portQName = new QName(namespaceURI, "MagicGBallPort");

            ServiceFactory serviceFactory = ServiceFactory.newInstance();
            Service service = serviceFactory.createService(wsdlURL, serviceQName);
            MagicGBallEndpoint mGball = (MagicGBallEndpoint) service.getPort(portQName, MagicGBallEndpoint.class);

            for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                String question = args[i];
                String answer = mGball.ask(question);
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            // ClassLoader
            ClassLoader tcl =
            if (tcl == null)
                tcl = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
            ServiceFactory factory = ServiceFactory.newInstance();
            javax.xml.rpc.Service service = null;

            // Service Interface
            RefAddr tmp = ref.get(ServiceRef.SERVICE_INTERFACE);
            String serviceInterface = null;
            if (tmp != null)
                serviceInterface = (String) tmp.getContent();

            // WSDL
            tmp = ref.get(ServiceRef.WSDL);
            String wsdlRefAddr = null;
            if (tmp != null)
                wsdlRefAddr = (String) tmp.getContent();

            // PortComponent
            Hashtable<String,QName> portComponentRef =
                new Hashtable<String,QName>();

            // Create QName object
            QName serviceQname = null;
            tmp = ref.get(ServiceRef.SERVICE_LOCAL_PART);
            if (tmp != null) {
                String serviceLocalPart = (String) tmp.getContent();
                tmp = ref.get(ServiceRef.SERVICE_NAMESPACE);
                if (tmp == null) {
                    serviceQname = new QName(serviceLocalPart);
                } else {
                    String serviceNamespace = (String) tmp.getContent();
                    serviceQname = new QName(serviceNamespace,
            Class<?> serviceInterfaceClass = null;

            // Create service object
            if (serviceInterface == null) {
                if (serviceQname == null) {
                    throw new NamingException
                    ("Could not create service-ref instance");
                try {
                    if (wsdlRefAddr == null) {
                        service = factory.createService( serviceQname );
                    } else {
                        service = factory.createService( new URL(wsdlRefAddr),
                                serviceQname );
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    NamingException ex = new NamingException
                    ("Could not create service");
                    throw ex;
            } else {
                // Loading service Interface
                try {
                    serviceInterfaceClass = tcl.loadClass(serviceInterface);
                } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
                    NamingException ex = new NamingException
                    ("Could not load service Interface");
                    throw ex;
                if (serviceInterfaceClass == null) {
                    throw new NamingException
                    ("Could not load service Interface");
                try {
                    if (wsdlRefAddr == null) {
                        if (!Service.class.isAssignableFrom(serviceInterfaceClass)) {
                            throw new NamingException
                            ("service Interface should extend javax.xml.rpc.Service");
                        service = factory.loadService( serviceInterfaceClass );
                    } else {
                        service = factory.loadService( new URL(wsdlRefAddr),
                                new Properties() );
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    NamingException ex = new NamingException
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            URL wsdlURL = new URL("http://localhost:8000/services/MagicGBall?wsdl");
            String namespaceURI = "";
            QName serviceQName = new QName(namespaceURI, "MagicGBallService");
            QName portQName = new QName(namespaceURI, "MagicGBallPort");

            ServiceFactory serviceFactory = ServiceFactory.newInstance();
            Service service = serviceFactory.createService(wsdlURL, serviceQName);
            MagicGBallEndpoint mGball = (MagicGBallEndpoint) service.getPort(portQName, MagicGBallEndpoint.class);

            for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                String question = args[i];
                String answer = mGball.ask(question);
View Full Code Here"Address used: " + address);"If this address is not correct, use 'setAddress()' to change it.");
          // creation of a Call object for the communication
          ServiceFactory serviceFactory = ServiceFactory.newInstance();
          Service service = serviceFactory.createService(new QName(webServicesName));
          call = (Call) service.createCall();
          // address of the service
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            // ClassLoader
            ClassLoader tcl =
            if (tcl == null)
                tcl = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
            ServiceFactory factory = ServiceFactory.newInstance();
            javax.xml.rpc.Service service = null;

            // Service Interface
            RefAddr tmp = ref.get(ServiceRef.SERVICE_INTERFACE);
            String serviceInterface = null;
            if (tmp != null)
                serviceInterface = (String) tmp.getContent();

            // WSDL
            tmp = ref.get(ServiceRef.WSDL);
            String wsdlRefAddr = null;
            if (tmp != null)
                wsdlRefAddr = (String) tmp.getContent();

            // PortComponent
            Hashtable<String,QName> portComponentRef =
                new Hashtable<String,QName>();

            // Create QName object
            QName serviceQname = null;
            tmp = ref.get(ServiceRef.SERVICE_LOCAL_PART);
            if (tmp != null) {
                String serviceLocalPart = (String) tmp.getContent();
                tmp = ref.get(ServiceRef.SERVICE_NAMESPACE);
                if (tmp == null) {
                    serviceQname = new QName(serviceLocalPart);
                } else {
                    String serviceNamespace = (String) tmp.getContent();
                    serviceQname = new QName(serviceNamespace,
            Class<?> serviceInterfaceClass = null;

            // Create service object
            if (serviceInterface == null) {
                if (serviceQname == null) {
                    throw new NamingException
                    ("Could not create service-ref instance");
                try {
                    if (wsdlRefAddr == null) {
                        service = factory.createService( serviceQname );
                    } else {
                        service = factory.createService( new URL(wsdlRefAddr),
                                serviceQname );
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    NamingException ex = new NamingException
                    ("Could not create service");
                    throw ex;
            } else {
                // Loading service Interface
                try {
                    serviceInterfaceClass = tcl.loadClass(serviceInterface);
                } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
                    NamingException ex = new NamingException
                    ("Could not load service Interface");
                    throw ex;
                if (serviceInterfaceClass == null) {
                    throw new NamingException
                    ("Could not load service Interface");
                try {
                    if (wsdlRefAddr == null) {
                        if (!Service.class.isAssignableFrom(serviceInterfaceClass)) {
                            throw new NamingException
                            ("service Interface should extend javax.xml.rpc.Service");
                        service = factory.loadService( serviceInterfaceClass );
                    } else {
                        service = factory.loadService( new URL(wsdlRefAddr),
                                new Properties() );
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    NamingException ex = new NamingException
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    public static void main(String[] args) {

        System.out.println("Endpoint address = " + args[0]);

        try {
            ServiceFactory factory = ServiceFactory.newInstance();
            Service service = factory.createService(new QName(qnameService));
            QName port = new QName(qnamePort);
            Call call = service.createCall(port);
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            String portName = "HelloIFPort";

            System.out.println("UrlString = " + UrlString);
            URL helloWsdlUrl = new URL(UrlString);
            ServiceFactory serviceFactory = ServiceFactory.newInstance();
            Service helloService = serviceFactory.createService(helloWsdlUrl,
                    new QName(nameSpaceUri, serviceName));
                    myProxy = (dynamicproxy.HelloIF) helloService.getPort(new QName(nameSpaceUri,
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      String targetAddress = "http://" + getServerHost() + ":8080/ws4ee-jbws309/BasicSecured";

      File wsdlFile = new File("resources/webservice/jbws309/META-INF/wsdl/OrganizationService.wsdl");
      assertTrue("wsdl file exists", wsdlFile.exists());

      ServiceFactory factory = ServiceFactory.newInstance();
      Service service = factory.createService(wsdlFile.toURL(), new QName(nsURI, "OrganizationService"));
      Call call = service.createCall(new QName(nsURI, "BasicSecuredPort"), "getContactInfo");

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            String portName = "AddNumbers";
            int num1 = 10;
            int num2 = 20;

            ServiceFactory factory = ServiceFactory.newInstance();

  * Create an instance of the Service with the given service QName
            Service service = factory.createService(new QName(serviceName));

            Call call = service.createCall(new QName(portName));


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Related Classes of javax.xml.rpc.ServiceFactory$PropertyAccessAction

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