Package javax.vecmath

Examples of javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4f

        float dx = (float) (newX - _pos2DX) / _wsize;
        float dy = (float) (newY - _pos2DY) / _wsize;
        _pos2DX = newX;
        _pos2DY = newY;
        AxisAngle4f aa = new AxisAngle4f(view, (dx - dy) * (float) Math.PI);
        Matrix4f mat = new Matrix4f();
        _rot = mat;
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      } else if ("matrix".equals(name)) {
        mulTransformGroup(new Transform3D(this.floats));
      } else if ("node".equals(parent) && "rotate".equals(name)) {
        Transform3D rotation = new Transform3D();
        rotation.setRotation(new AxisAngle4f(this.floats [0], this.floats [1], this.floats [2],
      } else if ("scale".equals(name)) {
        Transform3D scale = new Transform3D();
        scale.setScale(new Vector3d(this.floats [0], this.floats [1], this.floats [2]));
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  Hashtable getOrientationInfo() {
    Hashtable info = new Hashtable();
    info.put("moveTo", getMoveToText(1, false));
    info.put("center", "center " + getCenterText());
    info.put("centerPt", fixedRotationCenter);
    AxisAngle4f aa = new AxisAngle4f();
    info.put("axisAngle", aa);
    info.put("quaternion", new Quaternion(aa).toPoint4f());
    info.put("rotationMatrix", matrixRotate);
    info.put("rotateZYZ", getRotateZyzText(false));
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           * * 1000) - 30; if (sleepTime > 0) { try { Thread.sleep(sleepTime); }
           * catch (InterruptedException ie) { } }
        AxisAngle4f aaMoveTo = new AxisAngle4f();
        aaMoveTo.set(axis, (float) (degrees / degreesPerRadian));
    try {
      if (motion == null)
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          // m * q
          return addX((new Quaternion(m3)).mul(
              new Quaternion((Point4f) x2.value)).getMatrix());
          f = ScriptVariable.fValue(x2);
          AxisAngle4f aa = new AxisAngle4f();
          aa.angle *= f;
          Matrix3f m2 = new Matrix3f();
          return addX(m2);
      case Token.matrix4f:
        Matrix4f m4 = (Matrix4f) x1.value;
        if (pt != null) {
          if (x2.tok == Token.varray)
            return addX(ScriptVariable.getVariable(new float[] { pt.x, pt.y,
                pt.z }));
          return addX(pt);
        if (pt4 != null) {
          if (x2.tok == Token.varray)
            return addX(ScriptVariable.getVariable(new float[] { pt4.x, pt4.y,
                pt4.z, pt4.w }));
          return addX(pt4);
        switch (x2.tok) {
        case Token.matrix4f:
          Matrix4f m4b = new Matrix4f((Matrix4f) x2.value);
          m4b.mul(m4, m4b);
          return addX(m4b);
          return addX("NaN");
      case Token.point3f:
        pt = new Point3f((Point3f) x1.value);
        switch (x2.tok) {
        case Token.point3f:
          Point3f pt2 = ((Point3f) x2.value);
          return addX(pt.x * pt2.x + pt.y * pt2.y + pt.z * pt2.z);
          f = ScriptVariable.fValue(x2);
          return addX(new Point3f(pt.x * f, pt.y * f, pt.z * f));
      case Token.point4f:
        switch (x2.tok) {
        case Token.point4f:
          // quaternion multiplication
          // note that Point4f is {x,y,z,w} so we use that for
          // quaternion notation as well here.
          return addX((new Quaternion((Point4f) x1.value)).mul(new Quaternion(
              (Point4f) x2.value)));
        return addX(new Quaternion((Point4f) x1.value).mul(
    case Token.percent:
      // more than just modulus

      // float % n round to n digits; n = 0 does "nice" rounding
      // String % -n trim to width n; left justify
      // String % n trim to width n; right justify
      // Point3f % n ah... sets to multiple of unit cell!
      // bitset % n
      // Point3f * Point3f does dot product
      // Point3f / Point3f divides by magnitude
      // float * Point3f gets m agnitude
      // Point4f % n returns q0, q1, q2, q3, or theta
      // Point4f % Point4f
      s = null;
      int n = ScriptVariable.iValue(x2);
      switch (x1.tok) {
      case Token.on:
      case Token.integer:
        if (n == 0)
          return addX(0);
        return addX(ScriptVariable.iValue(x1) % n);
      case Token.decimal:
        f = ScriptVariable.fValue(x1);
        // neg is scientific notation
        if (n == 0)
          return addX((int) (f + 0.5f * (f < 0 ? -1 : 1)));
        s = TextFormat.formatDecimal(f, n);
        return addX(s);
      case Token.string:
        s = (String) x1.value;
        if (n == 0)
          return addX(TextFormat.trim(s, "\n\t "));
        if (n == 9999)
          return addX(s.toUpperCase());
        if (n == -9999)
          return addX(s.toLowerCase());
        if (n > 0)
          return addX(TextFormat.format(s, n, n, false, false));
        return addX(TextFormat.format(s, -n, n - 1, true, false));
      case Token.varray:
        String[] list = ScriptVariable.listValue(x1);
        for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
          if (n == 0)
            list[i] = list[i].trim();
          else if (n > 0)
            list[i] = TextFormat.format(list[i], n, n, true, false);
            list[i] = TextFormat.format(s, -n, n, false, false);
        return addX(list);
      case Token.point3f:
        pt = new Point3f((Point3f) x1.value);
        viewer.toUnitCell(pt, new Point3f(n, n, n));
        return addX(pt);
      case Token.point4f:
        pt4 = (Point4f) x1.value;
        if (x2.tok == Token.point3f)
          return addX((new Quaternion(pt4)).transform((Point3f) x2.value));
        if (x2.tok == Token.point4f) {
          Point4f v4 = new Point4f((Point4f) x2.value);
          (new Quaternion(pt4)).getThetaDirected(v4);
          return addX(v4);
        switch (n) {
        // q%0 w
        // q%1 x
        // q%2 y
        // q%3 z
        // q%4 normal
        // q%-1 vector(1)
        // q%-2 theta
        // q%-3 Matrix column 0
        // q%-4 Matrix column 1
        // q%-5 Matrix column 2
        // q%-6 AxisAngle format
        // q%-9 Matrix format
        case 0:
          return addX(pt4.w);
        case 1:
          return addX(pt4.x);
        case 2:
          return addX(pt4.y);
        case 3:
          return addX(pt4.z);
        case 4:
          return addX((new Quaternion(pt4)).getNormal());
        case -1:
          return addX(new Quaternion(pt4).getVector(-1));
        case -2:
          return addX((new Quaternion(pt4)).getTheta());
        case -3:
          return addX((new Quaternion(pt4)).getVector(0));
        case -4:
          return addX((new Quaternion(pt4)).getVector(1));
        case -5:
          return addX((new Quaternion(pt4)).getVector(2));
        case -6:
          AxisAngle4f ax = (new Quaternion(pt4)).toAxisAngle4f();
          return addX(new Point4f(ax.x, ax.y, ax.z,
              (float) (ax.angle * 180 / Math.PI)));
        case -9:
          return addX((new Quaternion(pt4)).getMatrix());
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        q = getQuaternionParameter(i);
      i = iToken + 1;
      if (q == null)
      AxisAngle4f aa = q.toAxisAngle4f();
      axis.set(aa.x, aa.y, aa.z);
       * The quaternion angle for an atom represents the angle by which the
       * reference frame must be rotated to match the frame defined for the
       * residue.
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    if (Float.isNaN(ecc.x)) // was exactly {0 0 -1} -- just rotate about x
      ecc.set(1, 0, 0);
    eccentricityMatrix = new Matrix3f();
    eccentricityMatrix.set(new AxisAngle4f(ecc, (float) Math.PI));
    eccentricityMatrixInverse = new Matrix3f();
    isEccentric = isAnisotropic = true;
    eccentricityScale = c;
    eccentricityRatio = fab_c;
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        Vector3f vectorBA = new Vector3f();
        Vector3f vectorBC = new Vector3f();       
        float radians = Measure.computeAngle(getAtom(1), getAtom(2), getAtom(3), vectorBA, vectorBC, false);
        Vector3f vectorAxis = new Vector3f();
        vectorAxis.cross(vectorBA, vectorBC);
        aa = new AxisAngle4f(vectorAxis.x, vectorAxis.y, vectorAxis.z, radians);

        pointArc = new Point3f(vectorBA);
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  protected void outputEllipsoid(Point3f center, Point3f[] points, short colix) {
    //Hey, hey -- quaternions to the rescue!
    // Just send three points to Quaternion to define a plane and return
    // the AxisAngle required to rotate to that position. That's all there is to it.
    AxisAngle4f a = Quaternion.getQuaternionFrame(center, points[1], points[3]).toAxisAngle4f();
    float sx = points[1].distance(center);
    float sy = points[3].distance(center);
    float sz = points[5].distance(center);
    outputEllipsoid(center, sx, sy, sz, a, colix);
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    q2 = (float) (pt.y * fact);
    q3 = (float) (pt.z * fact);

  public void set(AxisAngle4f a) {
    AxisAngle4f aa = new AxisAngle4f(a);
    if (aa.angle == 0)
      aa.y = 1;
    Matrix3f m3 = new Matrix3f();
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Related Classes of javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4f

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