{@link #paint(java.awt.Graphics,javax.swing.JComponent)} method performs thepainting of the {@code JLayer}and {@link #eventDispatched(AWTEvent,JLayer)} method is notifiedabout any {@code AWTEvent}s which have been generated by a {@code JLayer}or any of its subcomponents.
The {@code LayerUI} differs from the UI delegates of the other components,because it is LookAndFeel independent and is not updated by default when the system LookAndFeel is changed.
The subclasses of {@code LayerUI} can either be stateless and shareableby multiple {@code JLayer}s or not shareable. @param < V> one of the super types of {@code JLayer}'s view component @see JLayer#setUI(LayerUI) @see JLayer#setView(Component) @see JLayer#getView() @since 1.7 @author Alexander Potochkin