: new Dimension(0,0);
boolean viewTracksViewportWidth = false;
boolean viewTracksViewportHeight = false;
boolean isEmpty = (availR.width < 0 || availR.height < 0);
Scrollable sv;
// Don't bother checking the Scrollable methods if there is no room
// for the viewport, we aren't going to show any scrollbars in this
// case anyway.
if (!isEmpty && view instanceof Scrollable) {
sv = (Scrollable)view;
viewTracksViewportWidth = sv.getScrollableTracksViewportWidth();
viewTracksViewportHeight = sv.getScrollableTracksViewportHeight();
else {
sv = null;
/* If there's a vertical scrollbar and we need one, allocate
* space for it (we'll make it visible later). A vertical
* scrollbar is considered to be fixed width, arbitrary height.
Rectangle vsbR = new Rectangle(0, availR.y - vpbInsets.top, 0, 0);
boolean vsbNeeded;
if (isEmpty) {
vsbNeeded = false;
else if (vsbPolicy == VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS) {
vsbNeeded = true;
else if (vsbPolicy == VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER) {
vsbNeeded = false;
vsbNeeded = !viewTracksViewportHeight && (viewPrefSize.height > extentSize.height);
if ((vsb != null) && vsbNeeded) {
adjustForVSB(true, availR, vsbR, vpbInsets, leftToRight);
extentSize = viewport.toViewCoordinates(availR.getSize());
/* If there's a horizontal scrollbar and we need one, allocate
* space for it (we'll make it visible later). A horizontal
* scrollbar is considered to be fixed height, arbitrary width.
Rectangle hsbR = new Rectangle(availR.x - vpbInsets.left, 0, 0, 0);
boolean hsbNeeded;
if (isEmpty) {
hsbNeeded = false;
else if (hsbPolicy == HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS) {
hsbNeeded = true;
else if (hsbPolicy == HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER) {
hsbNeeded = false;
hsbNeeded = !viewTracksViewportWidth && (viewPrefSize.width > extentSize.width);
if ((hsb != null) && hsbNeeded) {
adjustForHSB(true, availR, hsbR, vpbInsets);
/* If we added the horizontal scrollbar then we've implicitly
* reduced the vertical space available to the viewport.
* As a consequence we may have to add the vertical scrollbar,
* if that hasn't been done so already. Of course we
* don't bother with any of this if the vsbPolicy is NEVER.
if ((vsb != null) && !vsbNeeded &&
extentSize = viewport.toViewCoordinates(availR.getSize());
vsbNeeded = viewPrefSize.height > extentSize.height;
if (vsbNeeded) {
adjustForVSB(true, availR, vsbR, vpbInsets, leftToRight);
/* Set the size of the viewport first, and then recheck the Scrollable
* methods. Some components base their return values for the Scrollable
* methods on the size of the Viewport, so that if we don't
* ask after resetting the bounds we may have gotten the wrong
* answer.
if (viewport != null) {
if (sv != null) {
extentSize = viewport.toViewCoordinates(availR.getSize());
boolean oldHSBNeeded = hsbNeeded;
boolean oldVSBNeeded = vsbNeeded;
viewTracksViewportWidth = sv.
viewTracksViewportHeight = sv.
if (vsb != null && vsbPolicy == VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED) {
boolean newVSBNeeded = !viewTracksViewportHeight &&
(viewPrefSize.height > extentSize.height);
if (newVSBNeeded != vsbNeeded) {