Package javax.smartcardio

Examples of javax.smartcardio.CardException

        while(length > 0)
          int block = Math.min(length, BLOCK_SIZE);
            ResponseAPDU r = channel.transmit(new CommandAPDU(0x00, 0xB0, offset >> 8, offset & 0xFF, block));
            if(r.getSW() != 0x9000) {
              throw new CardException("Read binary failed: " + RSIDUtils.int2Hex(r.getSW()));

            try {
                byte[] data = r.getData();
                int data_len = data.length;

              offset += data_len;
              length -= data_len;
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new CardException("Read binary failed: Could not write byte stream");

        return out.toByteArray();
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    // Missing files have header filled with 0xFF
    int i = 0;
    while(i < header.length && header[i] == 0xFF) i++;
    if(i == header.length) {
      throw new CardException("Read EF file failed: File header is missing");
    // Total EF length: data as 16bit LE at 4B offset
    int length = ((0xFF&header[5])<<8) + (0xFF&header[4]);
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      ResponseAPDU res        = ch.transmit(apduBalance);
      double balance          = 0;

      if (res.getSW() !=  0x9000){
        Utilities.writeToLogs(home,"[E] Error during operation. Remove card from terminal !=  0x9000 "+cID);
        throw new CardException("Error while reading Card Balance. Aborting operation.");
        if(verifySignature(res.getData(), 16)){
          byte[] plainData = decryptAES128(res.getData(),0,16);
          short b          = Utilities.getShort(plainData, 0);
          balance          = (double) (b / 100.0);
          return balance;
          System.out.println("Error during operation. Remove card from terminal");
          Utilities.writeToLogs(home,"[E] Signature failure ---- Error during operation. Remove card from terminal "+cID);
          throw new CardException("Signature failure");
      Utilities.writeToLogs(home,"[E] Handshake protocol failure "+cID);
      throw new CardException("Handshake protocol failure");
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        if (res.getSW() !=  0x9000){
          if (res.getSW() == 0x6984){
            Utilities.writeToLogs(home,"[E] Requested topup amount surpasses card limit. Try it with less! MAX 250.00€ "+cID);
            System.out.println("[!] Requested topup amount surpasses card limit. Try it with less! MAX 250.00€");
            throw new CardException("Requested topup amount exceeds card limit");
            Utilities.writeToLogs(home,"[E] Error while reading Card Balance "+cID);
            throw new CardException("Error while reading Card Balance");
          return true;
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    byte[] nonceT2 = new byte[8];
    //Card handshake INS=0x20 ; response length=2bytes cardID+16bytes nonceR+8bytes signature
    CommandAPDU challenge1 = new CommandAPDU((byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x20,(byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,nonceT,18+8);
    if(ch==null) throw new CardException("Card not present!");
    ResponseAPDU res= ch.transmit(challenge1);
    byte[] buff= res.getData();
    if (res.getSW() !=  0x9000){
      Utilities.writeToLogs(home,"[E] Error reading the card. Aborting operation. Error while handshake - step 1 !=0x9000 "+cID);
      System.out.println("[!] Error reading the card. Aborting operation. "); throw new CardException("Error while handshake - step 1");
      //Step 2: recover data from response APDU = cardID, nonceR

      // CardID goes in plaintext
      byte[] cardID=Arrays.copyOfRange(buff, 16, 18);
      cID=Integer.toString((int)Utilities.getShort(cardID, 0)); //We put the read CardID in the cID variable for logging purposes

      //We check if the card is blacklisted; if it is, block it && break handshake
        Utilities.writeToLogs(home,"[E] Error: Blacklisted card handshake attempt "+cID);
        System.out.println("[!] Error: your card is blocked. Go to the closest CheapKnip Customer Service Point");
        CommandAPDU blockCard = new CommandAPDU((byte) 0x00, INS_BLOCK_CARD,(byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00);
        res= ch.transmit(blockCard);

      // Compute & init card keys
      if (AES_KEY_CARD==null)
      if (sk==null)
      if(!verifySignature(buff, 18)){
        Utilities.writeToLogs(home,"[E] Error: check that your card is a CheapKnip card(SIGNATURE CHECK FAILED) "+cID);
        System.out.println("[!] Error: check that your card is a CheapKnip card");

      // Decrypt nonceR --> AES(nonceR)K
      byte[] cryptoBuff = decryptAES128(buff,0,16);
      byte[] nonceR    = Arrays.copyOf(cryptoBuff,8);

      byte[] nonceC_T2=new byte[16];
      //Recover nonceC from Card: nonceR XOR nonceT
      //We put nonceC in the first 8 bytes of the array
      for(int i=0;i<8;i++){
      for(int i=8;i<16;i++){
      //encrypt properly nonceC_T2

      //Step3: we send AES(nonceC,nonceT2)K back to the card and wait for response AES(nonceR2)K
      byte[] enc_nonceC_T2=encryptAES128(nonceC_T2, 0, 16);
      //Note in step3: state is a parameter; P1 is 0x10!!
      CommandAPDU challenge2 = new CommandAPDU((byte) 0x00, INS_HANDSHAKE,(byte) 0x10, (byte) 0x00,enc_nonceC_T2,16+8);
      res= ch.transmit(challenge2);
      buff= res.getData();
      if(!verifySignature(buff, 16)){
        Utilities.writeToLogs(home,"[E] Card error. Remove your card & try again(SIGNATURE FAILED) "+cID);
        System.out.println("[!] Card error. Remove your card & try again");
      if (res.getSW() !=  0x9000){
        Utilities.writeToLogs(home,"[E] Error reading the card. Aborting operation. Error while handshake - step 3 "+cID);
        throw new CardException("Error while handshake - step 3");
        //Step 4: check if card is legit: nonceT2 should be the same than the one in memory
        cryptoBuff=Arrays.copyOf(buff, 16);
        buff=decryptAES128(cryptoBuff, 0, 16);
        byte[] nonceR2=Arrays.copyOf(buff,8);

        //We rebuild nonceT2 from nonceR2 by doing XOR(nonceR2,nonceT)
        Utilities.XOR(nonceR2, nonceT, nonceR2, 0, 0, 0, 8);
        if(Arrays.equals(Arrays.copyOf(nonceR2, 8), nonceT2)){
          Utilities.writeToLogs(home,"[E] Bogus answer from card, failed challenge2." +cID);
          System.out.println("[!] Error reading the card. Aborting operation. ");
          throw new CardException("Bogus answer from card, failed challenge2.");
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      CommandAPDU dataApdu = new CommandAPDU((byte) 0x00, INS_GET_OWNER_INFO,(byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,100);
      ResponseAPDU res        = ch.transmit(dataApdu);

      if (res.getSW() !=  0x9000){
        Utilities.writeToLogs(home,"[E] Error while reading Card Balance.  Aborting operation. != 0x9000 "+cID);
        throw new CardException("Error while reading Card Balance.  Aborting operation.");
        String userdata= Utilities.byteArrayToHexString(res.getData());
        String name    = userdata.substring(0, 40);
        String address = userdata.substring(40, 94);
        String date    = userdata.substring(94,100);

        System.out.printf("[+] Mr/Ms. %s \n",Utilities.hex2ascii(name))
      Utilities.writeToLogs(home,"[E] Failure with getUserData");
      throw new CardException("Failure");
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    CommandAPDU cardIDrequest = new CommandAPDU((byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x69,(byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,2);
    ResponseAPDU res= ch.transmit(cardIDrequest);
    byte[] cardID= res.getData();
    if (res.getSW() !=  0x9000){
      Utilities.writeToLogs(home,"[E] Error reading card ID. Check card connection & reader. ");
      throw new CardException("Error while reading Card ID");
      //We set K as the CardID encrypted with the master key
      SecretKeySpec sks = new SecretKeySpec(getMasterKey(), "AES");
      try {
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      CommandAPDU cardIDrequest = new CommandAPDU((byte) 0x00, INS_GET_TRNSCT_LOG,(byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,60);
      ResponseAPDU res= ch.transmit(cardIDrequest);
      byte[] trLog= res.getData();
      if (res.getSW() !=  0x9000){
        Utilities.writeToLogs(home,"[E] Error while reading transaction log. "+cID);
        throw new CardException("Error while reading transaction log.");
        if(!verifySignature(trLog, 52))
          Utilities.writeToLogs(home,"[E] LOG SIGNATURE FAILED - CHECK FOR TAMPERED DATA. "+cID);
        int count=Utilities.getShort(trLog, 0);
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            double money=0;
            }catch(CardException e){
              Utilities.writeToLogs(home,"[E] Error reading the card balance. Aborting operation. "+pt.cID);
              throw new CardException("[!] Error reading the card balance. Aborting operation. \n");
            System.out.printf("[+] Your payment was successful! \nThe current balance in the CheapKnip card is %3.2f €\n", money);
            Utilities.writeToLogs(home,"[E] Not enough money . Aborting operation. "+pt.cID);
            System.out.println("[!] Not enough money . Aborting operation. \n");
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    byte[] nonceT2 = new byte[8];
    //Card handshake INS=0x20 ; response length=2bytes cardID+16bytes nonceR+8bytes signature
    CommandAPDU challenge1 = new CommandAPDU((byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x20,(byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,nonceT,18+8);
    if(ch==null) throw new CardException("Card not present!");
    ResponseAPDU res= ch.transmit(challenge1);
    byte[] buff= res.getData();
    if (res.getSW() !=  0x9000){
      Utilities.writeToLogs(home,"[E] Error reading the card. Aborting operation. Error while handshake - step 1 !=0x9000 "+cID);
      System.out.println("[!] Error reading the card. Aborting operation. ");
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Related Classes of javax.smartcardio.CardException

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