public AbsPermissionManager(final URL contextIdURL, final boolean remove) throws PermissionManagerException {
this.contextIdURL = contextIdURL;
this.contextId = contextIdURL.toString();
PolicyConfigurationFactory policyConfigurationFactory = null;
// Init JACC
try {
policyConfigurationFactory = PolicyConfigurationFactory.getPolicyConfigurationFactory();
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new PermissionManagerException("Error when trying to get the PolicyConfigurationFactory object", e);
} catch (PolicyContextException e) {
throw new PermissionManagerException("Error when trying to get the PolicyConfigurationFactory object", e);
try {
this.policyConfiguration = policyConfigurationFactory.getPolicyConfiguration(this.contextId, remove);
} catch (PolicyContextException pce) {
throw new PermissionManagerException("Error when trying to get the PolicyConfiguration object with contextId '"
+ this.contextId + "'.'", pce);