public void encodeBegin(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent uiComponent) throws IOException {
// Build up a list of components that are intended for the <head> section of the portal page.
PortletNamingContainerUIViewRoot uiViewRoot = (PortletNamingContainerUIViewRoot) facesContext.getViewRoot();
List<UIComponent> uiComponentResources = new ArrayList<UIComponent>();
// Add the list of components that are to appear first.
List<UIComponent> firstResources = getFirstResources(facesContext, uiComponent);
if (firstResources != null) {
// Sort the components that are in the view root into stylesheets and scripts.
List<UIComponent> uiViewRootComponentResources = uiViewRoot.getComponentResources(facesContext,
List<UIComponent> uiViewRootStyleSheetResources = null;
List<UIComponent> uiViewRootScriptResources = null;
for (UIComponent curComponent : uiViewRootComponentResources) {
String resourceName = (String) curComponent.getAttributes().get(StringPool.NAME);
if ((resourceName != null) && resourceName.endsWith(EXTENSION_CSS)) {
if (uiViewRootStyleSheetResources == null) {
uiViewRootStyleSheetResources = new ArrayList<UIComponent>();
else {
if (uiViewRootScriptResources == null) {
uiViewRootScriptResources = new ArrayList<UIComponent>();
// Add the list of stylesheet components that are in the view root.
if (uiViewRootStyleSheetResources != null) {
// Add the list of components that are to appear in the middle.
List<UIComponent> middleResources = getMiddleResources(facesContext, uiComponent);
if (middleResources != null) {
// Add the list of script components that are in the view root.
if (uiViewRootScriptResources != null) {
// Add the list of components that are to appear last.
List<UIComponent> lastResources = getLastResources(facesContext, uiComponent);
if (lastResources != null) {
// Initializations
boolean ajaxRequest = facesContext.getPartialViewContext().isAjaxRequest();
List<UIComponent> resourcesForAddingToHead = new ArrayList<UIComponent>();
List<UIComponent> resourcesForRelocatingToBody = new ArrayList<UIComponent>();
ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext();
PortletRequest portletRequest = (PortletRequest) externalContext.getRequest();
BridgeContext bridgeContext = BridgeContext.getCurrentInstance();
PortletContainer portletContainer = bridgeContext.getPortletContainer();
// Determine whether or not the portlet container is able to add script resources to the head.
boolean portletContainerAbleToAddScriptResourceToHead = portletContainer.isAbleToAddScriptResourceToHead();
// Determine whether or not this might be a Liferay runtime portlet (which does not have the ability to add
// script resources to the head).
Boolean renderPortletResource = (Boolean) portletRequest.getAttribute(BridgeConstants.RENDER_PORTLET_RESOURCE);
boolean liferayRuntimePortlet = (renderPortletResource != null) && renderPortletResource.booleanValue();
// Note: The HeadManagedBean is a ViewScoped manage-bean that keeps a list of resources that have been added to
// the <head> section of the portal page. Note that the HeadManagedBean will be null in a JSP context since
// there is no h:head JSP component tag in JSF 2.x.
HeadManagedBean headManagedBean = HeadManagedBean.getInstance(facesContext);
Set<String> headResourceIdsFromManagedBean = null;
if (headManagedBean == null) {
headResourceIdsFromManagedBean = new HashSet<String>();
else {
headResourceIdsFromManagedBean = headManagedBean.getHeadResourceIds();
ComponentResourceFactory componentResourceFactory = (ComponentResourceFactory) FactoryExtensionFinder
// For each resource in the ViewRoot: Determine if it should added to the <head> section of the portal page,
// or if it should be relocated to the body (which is actually not a <body> element, but a <div> element
// rendered by the bridge's BodyRenderer).
for (UIComponent uiComponentResource : uiComponentResources) {
// If this is taking place during an Ajax request or this is a Liferay runtime portlet, then
if (ajaxRequest || liferayRuntimePortlet) {
// Determine whether or not the resource is already present in the <head> section of the portal page.
// Note that this can happen in one of two ways: 1) If this is NON-Liferay-Runtime portlet (currently
// doing Ajax) but has already added the resource during initial page HTTP-GET render, or 2) By another
// NON-Liferay-Runtime portlet that has already added the same JavaScript resource.
ComponentResource componentResource = componentResourceFactory.getComponentResource(
boolean alreadyPresentInPortalPageHead = headResourceIdsFromManagedBean.contains(
// If the resource is already present in the <head> section of the portal page, then simply output a
// logger message to this fact.
if (alreadyPresentInPortalPageHead) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
"Resource already present in head: name=[{0}] library=[{1}] rendererType=[{2}] value=[{3}] className=[{4}]",
new Object[] {
componentResource.getName(), componentResource.getLibrary(),
// Otherwise, since it is not possible to add it to the <head> section, the resource must be relocated
// to the body.
else {
"Relocating resource to body (since it was added via Ajax and is not yet present in head): name=[{0}] library=[{1}] rendererType=[{2}] value=[{3}] className=[{4}]",
new Object[] {
componentResource.getName(), componentResource.getLibrary(),
// Otherwise, if the portlet container has the ability to add resources to the <head> section of the
// portal page, then add it to the list of resources that are to be added to the <head> section.
else if (portletContainerAbleToAddScriptResourceToHead) {
// Otherwise, we have no choice but to add it to the list of resources that are to be relocated to
// the body.
else {
// If the portlet container has the ability to add resources to the <head> section of the portal page, then
if (portletContainerAbleToAddScriptResourceToHead) {
// Save a temporary reference to the ResponseWriter provided by the FacesContext.
ResponseWriter responseWriterBackup = facesContext.getResponseWriter();
// Replace the ResponseWriter in the FacesContext with a HeadResponseWriter that knows how to write to
// the <head>...</head> section of the rendered portal page.
HeadResponseWriter headResponseWriter = (HeadResponseWriter) portletRequest.getAttribute(
if (headResponseWriter == null) {
headResponseWriter = (HeadResponseWriter) portletContainer.getHeadResponseWriter(responseWriterBackup);
portletRequest.setAttribute(HeadResponseWriter.class.getName(), headResponseWriter);
// For each resource:
for (UIComponent uiComponentResource : resourcesForAddingToHead) {
ComponentResource componentResource = componentResourceFactory.getComponentResource(
// Command the resource to render itself to the HeadResponseWriter
if (componentResource.isRenderable()) {
String resourceId = componentResource.getId();
// If the resource has not yet been marked as having been added, then mark it now. Note that unless the
// resource is a RichFaces Resource Library (see comments below), the resource has probably already been
// marked as being in the head by ResourceRendererBridgeImpl#encodeEnd(FacesContext, UIComponent).
if (!headResourceIdsFromManagedBean.contains(resourceId)) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
if (resourceId.endsWith(RICHFACES_RESLIB_SUFFIX) ||
uiComponentResource.getRendererType())) {
// RichFaces has resources like "org.richfaces:base-component.reslib",
// "org.richfaces:message.reslib", and "org.richfaces:ajax.reslib" that represent a
// collection of resources.
logger.debug("Marking RichFaces resource library [{0}] as being present in the head",
else {
logger.debug("Marking non-RichFaces resourceId=[{0}] as being present in the head",
// Restore the temporary ResponseWriter reference.
// Relocate resources to the body if necessary. Note that the "ADDED" attribute has to be set to true
// in order to prevent events from firing during the relocation process.
for (UIComponent uiComponentResource : resourcesForRelocatingToBody) {
uiComponentResource.getAttributes().put(ORIGINAL_TARGET, StringPool.HEAD);
uiComponentResource.getAttributes().put(ADDED, Boolean.TRUE);
uiViewRoot.addComponentResource(facesContext, uiComponentResource, StringPool.BODY);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
ComponentResource componentResource = componentResourceFactory.getComponentResource(