The mapping is defined by two bivariate polynomial functions X(x, y) and Y(x, y) that map destination (x, y) coordinates to source X and Y positions respectively
The functions X(x, y) and Y(x, y) have the form:
SUM{i = 0 to n} {SUM{j = 0 to i}{a_ij*x^(i - j)*y^j}} where n is the degree os the polynomial
WarpAffine, WarpQuadratic, and WarpCubic are special cases of WarpPolynomial for n equal to 1, 2, and 3 respectively. WarpGeneralPolynomial provides a concrete implementation for polynomials of higher degree. @see WarpAffine @see WarpQuadratic @see WarpCubic @see WarpGeneralPolynomial