
Examples of$PolyShape$PolyEdge

            xValues[i] = m;
            yValues[i] = 0;
        if (factor >= 0.0) {
            Rectangle2D.Double region = imageDisplay.getVisibleArea();
            ROI roi = new ROIShape(region);
            Histogram histogram = imageProcessor.getHistogram(numValues, roi);
            yValues = histogram.getBins(0);
            chart.getXYPlot().setDataset(new SimpleDataset(xValues, yValues));
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        out.writeBoolean(aoi != null);
        if(aoi != null) {
      if(aoi instanceof Serializable){
      }else {
    out.writeObject(new ROIShape(aoi));

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    protected synchronized void train() {
        PlanarImage source = getSourceImage(0);
        if (roi == null)
            roi = new ROIShape(source.getBounds());

        // Cycle throw all source tiles.
        int minTileX = source.getMinTileX();
        int maxTileX = source.getMaxTileX();
        int minTileY = source.getMinTileY();
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            // If necessary, clip the ROI to the destination bounds.
            // XXX Is this desirable?
            if(!dstBounds.contains(roi.getBounds())) {
                roi = roi.intersect(new ROIShape(dstBounds));

            return roi;
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            // If necessary, clip the ROI to the effective source bounds.
            if(!srcBounds.contains(srcROI.getBounds())) {
                srcROI = srcROI.intersect(new ROIShape(srcBounds));

            // Retrieve the translation and rotation angle.
      double xorig = (double)pb.getFloatParameter(0);
      double yorig = (double)pb.getFloatParameter(1);
            double angle = (double)pb.getFloatParameter(2);

            // Create an transform representing the rotation.
            AffineTransform transform =
        AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(angle, xorig, yorig);

            // Create the rotated/translated ROI.
            ROI dstROI = srcROI.transform(transform);

            // Retrieve the destination bounds.
            Rectangle dstBounds = op.getBounds();

            // If necessary, clip the rotated ROI to the destination bounds.
            if(!dstBounds.contains(dstROI.getBounds())) {
                dstROI = dstROI.intersect(new ROIShape(dstBounds));

            // Return the rotated and possibly clipped ROI.
            return dstROI;
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                // from source renderable coordinates to destination
                // rendered coordinates.

                // Create an ROI in destination rendered space.
                ROIShape roi = new ROIShape(at.createTransformedShape(rgn));

                // Create a TiledImage to contain the masked result.
                TiledImage ti = new TiledImage(rendering.getMinX(),

                // Set the TiledImage data source to the rendering.
                ti.set(rendering, roi);

                // Create a constant-valued image for the background.
                pb = new ParameterBlock();
                Byte[] bandValues =
                    new Byte[ti.getSampleModel().getNumBands()];
                for(int b = 0; b < bandValues.length; b++) {
                    bandValues[b] = new Byte((byte)255);

                ImageLayout il = new ImageLayout();
                RenderingHints rh = new RenderingHints(JAI.KEY_IMAGE_LAYOUT,

                PlanarImage constImage = JAI.create("constant", pb, rh);

                // Compute a complement ROI.
                ROI complementROI =
                    (new ROIShape(ti.getBounds())).subtract(roi);;

                // Fill the background.
                int maxTileY = ti.getMaxTileY();
                int maxTileX = ti.getMaxTileX();
                for(int j = ti.getMinTileY(); j <= maxTileY; j++) {
                    for(int i = ti.getMinTileX(); i <= maxTileX; i++) {
                        if(!roi.intersects(ti.getTileRect(i, j))) {
                            ti.setData(constImage.getTile(i, j),
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            // If necessary, clip the ROI to the effective source bounds.
            if(!srcBounds.contains(srcROI.getBounds())) {
                srcROI = srcROI.intersect(new ROIShape(srcBounds));

            // Retrieve the scale factors and translation values.
            float sx = pb.getFloatParameter(0);
            float sy = pb.getFloatParameter(1);

            // Create an equivalent transform.
            AffineTransform transform =
                new AffineTransform(sx, 0.0, 0.0, sy, 0.0, 0.0);

            // Create the scaled ROI.
            ROI dstROI = srcROI.transform(transform);

            // Retrieve the destination bounds.
            Rectangle dstBounds = op.getBounds();

            // If necessary, clip the warped ROI to the destination bounds.
            if(!dstBounds.contains(dstROI.getBounds())) {
                dstROI = dstROI.intersect(new ROIShape(dstBounds));

            // Return the warped and possibly clipped ROI.
            return dstROI;
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            // If necessary, clip the ROI to the effective source bounds.
            if(!srcBounds.contains(srcROI.getBounds())) {
                srcROI = srcROI.intersect(new ROIShape(srcBounds));

            // Retrieve the scale factors and translation values.
            float sx = pb.getFloatParameter(0);
            float sy = pb.getFloatParameter(1);
            float tx = pb.getFloatParameter(2);
            float ty = pb.getFloatParameter(3);

            // Create an equivalent transform.
            AffineTransform transform =
                new AffineTransform(sx, 0.0, 0.0, sy, tx, ty);

            // Create the scaled ROI.
            ROI dstROI = srcROI.transform(transform);

            // Retrieve the destination bounds.
            Rectangle dstBounds = op.getBounds();

            // If necessary, clip the warped ROI to the destination bounds.
            if(!dstBounds.contains(dstROI.getBounds())) {
                dstROI = dstROI.intersect(new ROIShape(dstBounds));

            // Return the warped and possibly clipped ROI.
            return dstROI;
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      // If necessary, clip the ROI to the effective source bounds.
      if(!srcBounds.contains(srcROI.getBounds())) {
    srcROI = srcROI.intersect(new ROIShape(srcBounds));

      // Retrieve the scale factors
      float sx = 1.0F/pb.getIntParameter(1);
      float sy = 1.0F/pb.getIntParameter(2);

      // Create an equivalent transform.
      AffineTransform transform =
    new AffineTransform(sx, 0.0, 0.0, sy, 0, 0);

      // Create the scaled ROI.
      ROI dstROI = srcROI.transform(transform);

      // Retrieve the destination bounds.
      Rectangle dstBounds = op.getBounds();

      // If necessary, clip the warped ROI to the destination bounds.
      if(!dstBounds.contains(dstROI.getBounds())) {
    dstROI = dstROI.intersect(new ROIShape(dstBounds));

      // Return the warped and possibly clipped ROI.
      return dstROI;
  } else {
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            // If necessary, clip the ROI to the effective source bounds.
            if(!srcBounds.contains(srcROI.getBounds())) {
                srcROI = srcROI.intersect(new ROIShape(srcBounds));

            // Set the nearest neighbor interpolation object.
            Interpolation interpNN = interp instanceof InterpolationNearest ?
                interp :

            // Retrieve the Warp object.
            Warp warp = (Warp)pb.getObjectParameter(0);

            // Create the warped ROI.
            ROI dstROI = new ROI(JAI.create("warp", srcROI.getAsImage(),
                                            warp, interpNN));

            // Retrieve the destination bounds.
            Rectangle dstBounds = op.getBounds();

            // If necessary, clip the warped ROI to the destination bounds.
            if(!dstBounds.contains(dstROI.getBounds())) {
                dstROI = dstROI.intersect(new ROIShape(dstBounds));

            // Return the warped and possibly clipped ROI.
            return dstROI;
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