An interface encapsulating the set of operations involved in identifying and reading properties.
The interface includes the getProperty()
and getPropertyNames()
methods familiar from the RenderedImage
and RenderableImage
interfaces. Classes which implement this interface should do so in a manner which treats the property names as case-retentive. That is to say that as concerns operations effected using the property name as a key, the operation should ignore the case of the property name while on the other hand the property name retrieval methods should return the names with their case preserved.
is implemented by the ImageJAI
interface and, among other classes, by PlanarImage
, RenderableOp
and CollectionImage
. Since all RenderedImage
s used with JAI are "wrapped" by a RenderedImageAdapter
, all JAI RenderedImage
s may be assumed to implement PropertySource
If a PropertySource
is also a PropertyChangeEmitter
then it should fire PropertySourceChangeEvent
s to all registered listeners whenever this is reasonable to do so in the context of the PropertySource
in question.
Property name space collisions may be prevented by adhering to an hierarchical naming convention. This could for example be based on the name of the package in question, e.g., The names of properties generated by JAI itself will not adhere to the aforementioned naming convention, but this should not pose a problem if users adopt this convention for their own property names.
Another approach to handling multiple property name spaces would be to define a separate PropertySource for each name space of properties. These PropertySources could themselves be attached to images as properties. Inheritance of these properties would occur by the default mechanism. Modification of these properties within an operation chain could be managed by PropertyGenerators which are capable of recognizing these properties. Note that a potential problem with this approach exists when a PropertySourceChangeEvent
is fired: it might be necessary to clone the entire tree of properties in order to obtain the old value of event object.
@see ImageJAI
@see PlanarImage
@see PropertyChangeEmitter
@see WritablePropertySource
@see java.awt.image.RenderedImage
@see java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage