
Examples of

      this.biClrUsed = fCast.getClrUsed();
      this.biClrImportant = fCast.getClrImportant();
    else if (format instanceof YUVFormat)
      final YUVFormat fCast = (YUVFormat) format;
      if (fCast.getYuvType() == YUVFormat.YUV_420)
      {  this.fourcc = "YV12";
        this.biBitCount = 12;
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    else if (fourcc.equals("YV12"))
      return new YUVFormat(new Dimension(biWidth, biHeight),
          biWidth,  // stride y
          biWidth / 2, // stride uv
          0, // offset y
          biWidth *  biHeight + (biWidth *  biHeight) / 4, // offset u
          biWidth *  biHeight // offset v

    else if (fourcc.equals("I420"))
      return new YUVFormat(new Dimension(biWidth, biHeight),
          biWidth,  // stride y
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    assertEquals(new VideoFormat(VideoFormat.CINEPAK).toString(), "CVID");
    assertEquals(new VideoFormat(VideoFormat.JPEG_RTP).toString(), "JPEG/RTP");
    assertEquals(new VideoFormat(VideoFormat.IRGB).toString(), "IRGB");
    assertEquals(new VideoFormat(VideoFormat.INDEO32).toString(), "IV32");
    assertEquals(new YUVFormat().toString(), "YUV Video Format: Size = null MaxDataLength = -1 DataType = class [B yuvType = -1 StrideY = -1 StrideUV = -1 OffsetY = -1 OffsetU = -1 OffsetV = -1\n");
    assertEquals(new YUVFormat(YUVFormat.YUV_111).toString(), "YUV Video Format: Size = null MaxDataLength = -1 DataType = class [B yuvType = 8 StrideY = -1 StrideUV = -1 OffsetY = -1 OffsetU = -1 OffsetV = -1\n");
    assertEquals(new YUVFormat(new java.awt.Dimension(120, 200), 1000, YUVFormat.byteArray, 1.f, YUVFormat.YUV_111, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).toString(), "YUV Video Format: Size = java.awt.Dimension[width=120,height=200] MaxDataLength = 1000 DataType = class [B yuvType = 8 StrideY = 2 StrideUV = 3 OffsetY = 4 OffsetU = 5 OffsetV = 6\n");
    assertEquals(new RGBFormat().toString(), "RGB, -1-bit, Masks=-1:-1:-1, PixelStride=-1, LineStride=-1");

    assertEquals(new JPEGFormat().toString(), "jpeg video format: dataType = class [B");
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      final Format f1 = new RGBFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 1000, Format.byteArray, 2.f, 11, 2, 13, 14, 5, 6, 17, 8);
      final Format f2 = new YUVFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 2.f, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
      assertEquals(f1.intersects(f2), null);
      assertEquals(f2.intersects(f1), null);
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      assertEquals(f2.getSize(), null);

      final YUVFormat f1 = new YUVFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 2.f, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
      final YUVFormat f2 = (YUVFormat) f1.relax();
      assertEquals(f2.getEncoding(), f1.getEncoding());
      assertEquals(f2.getDataType(), f1.getDataType());
      assertEquals(f2.getFrameRate(), -1.f);
      assertEquals(f2.getMaxDataLength(), -1);
      assertEquals(f2.getSize(), null);
      assertEquals(f2.getOffsetU(), -1);
      assertEquals(f2.getOffsetV(), -1);
      assertEquals(f2.getOffsetY(), -1);
      assertEquals(f2.getStrideUV(), -1);
      assertEquals(f2.getStrideY(), -1);
      assertEquals(f2.getYuvType(), f1.getYuvType());
      final JPEGFormat f1 = new JPEGFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 2.f, 1, 2);
      final JPEGFormat f2 = (JPEGFormat) f1.relax();
      assertEquals(f2.getEncoding(), f1.getEncoding());
      assertEquals(f2.getDataType(), f1.getDataType());
      assertEquals(f2.getFrameRate(), -1.f);
      assertEquals(f2.getMaxDataLength(), -1);
      assertEquals(f2.getSize(), null);
      assertEquals(f2.getQFactor(), f1.getQFactor());
      assertEquals(f2.getDecimation(), f1.getDecimation());
      final H261Format f1 = new H261Format(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 2.f, 1);
      final H261Format f2 = (H261Format) f1.relax();
      assertEquals(f2.getEncoding(), f1.getEncoding());
      assertEquals(f2.getDataType(), f1.getDataType());
      assertEquals(f2.getFrameRate(), -1.f);
      assertEquals(f2.getMaxDataLength(), -1);
      assertEquals(f2.getSize(), null);
      assertEquals(f2.getStillImageTransmission(), f1.getStillImageTransmission());

      final H263Format f1 = new H263Format(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 2.f, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
      final H263Format f2 = (H263Format) f1.relax();
      assertEquals(f2.getEncoding(), f1.getEncoding());
      assertEquals(f2.getDataType(), f1.getDataType());
      assertEquals(f2.getFrameRate(), -1.f);
      assertEquals(f2.getMaxDataLength(), -1);
      assertEquals(f2.getSize(), null);
      assertEquals(f2.getAdvancedPrediction(), f1.getAdvancedPrediction());
      assertEquals(f2.getArithmeticCoding(), f1.getArithmeticCoding());
      assertEquals(f2.getErrorCompensation(), f1.getErrorCompensation());
      assertEquals(f2.getHrDB(), f1.getHrDB());
      assertEquals(f2.getPBFrames(), f1.getPBFrames());
      assertEquals(f2.getUnrestrictedVector(), f1.getUnrestrictedVector());

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  public void testEqualsMatches_YUVFormat()
    final YUVFormat f1 =  new YUVFormat(new java.awt.Dimension(120, 200), 1000, YUVFormat.byteArray, 1.f, YUVFormat.YUV_111, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
    // YUVFormat - equal and match:
      final YUVFormat[] f2s = new YUVFormat[]{
            new YUVFormat(new java.awt.Dimension(120, 200), 1000, YUVFormat.byteArray, 1.f, YUVFormat.YUV_111, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
            (YUVFormat) f1.clone(),
            (YUVFormat) f1.intersects(f1)
      for (int i = 0; i < f2s.length; ++i)
        YUVFormat f2 = f2s[i];
    // YUVFormat - not equal and not match:
      final YUVFormat[] f2s = new YUVFormat[]{
          new YUVFormat(new java.awt.Dimension(120, 200), 1000, YUVFormat.byteArray, 1.f, YUVFormat.YUV_411, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
          new YUVFormat(new java.awt.Dimension(120, 200), 1000, YUVFormat.byteArray, 1.f, YUVFormat.YUV_111, 12, 3, 4, 5, 6),
          new YUVFormat(new java.awt.Dimension(120, 200), 1000, YUVFormat.byteArray, 1.f, YUVFormat.YUV_111, 2, 13, 4, 5, 6),
          new YUVFormat(new java.awt.Dimension(120, 200), 1000, YUVFormat.byteArray, 1.f, YUVFormat.YUV_111, 2, 3, 14, 5, 6),
          new YUVFormat(new java.awt.Dimension(120, 200), 1000, YUVFormat.byteArray, 1.f, YUVFormat.YUV_111, 2, 3, 4, 15, 6),
          new YUVFormat(new java.awt.Dimension(120, 200), 1000, YUVFormat.byteArray, 1.f, YUVFormat.YUV_111, 2, 3, 4, 5, 16),
      for (int i = 0; i < f2s.length; ++i)
        YUVFormat f2 = f2s[i];

    // YUVFormat - not equal but match:
      final YUVFormat[] f2s = new YUVFormat[]{
          new YUVFormat(null, 1000, YUVFormat.byteArray, 1.f, YUVFormat.YUV_111, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
          new YUVFormat(new java.awt.Dimension(120, 200), Format.NOT_SPECIFIED, YUVFormat.byteArray, 1.f, YUVFormat.YUV_111, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
          new YUVFormat(new java.awt.Dimension(120, 200), 1000, null, 1.f, YUVFormat.YUV_111, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
          new YUVFormat(new java.awt.Dimension(120, 200), 1000, YUVFormat.byteArray, Format.NOT_SPECIFIED, YUVFormat.YUV_111, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
          new YUVFormat(new java.awt.Dimension(120, 200), 1000, YUVFormat.byteArray, 1.f, Format.NOT_SPECIFIED, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
          new YUVFormat(new java.awt.Dimension(120, 200), 1000, YUVFormat.byteArray, 1.f, YUVFormat.YUV_111, Format.NOT_SPECIFIED, 3, 4, 5, 6),
          new YUVFormat(new java.awt.Dimension(120, 200), 1000, YUVFormat.byteArray, 1.f, YUVFormat.YUV_111, 2, Format.NOT_SPECIFIED, 4, 5, 6),
          new YUVFormat(new java.awt.Dimension(120, 200), 1000, YUVFormat.byteArray, 1.f, YUVFormat.YUV_111, 2, 3, Format.NOT_SPECIFIED, 5, 6),
          new YUVFormat(new java.awt.Dimension(120, 200), 1000, YUVFormat.byteArray, 1.f, YUVFormat.YUV_111, 2, 3, 4, Format.NOT_SPECIFIED, 6),
          new YUVFormat(new java.awt.Dimension(120, 200), 1000, YUVFormat.byteArray, 1.f, YUVFormat.YUV_111, 2, 3, 4, 5, Format.NOT_SPECIFIED),
      for (int i = 0; i < f2s.length; ++i)
        YUVFormat f2 = f2s[i];
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    assertEquals(new JPEGFormat().getDataType(), Format.byteArray);
    assertEquals(new RGBFormat().getEncoding(), "rgb");
    assertEquals(new RGBFormat().getDataType(), null);

    assertEquals(new YUVFormat().getEncoding(), "yuv");
    assertEquals(new YUVFormat().getOffsetV(), -1);
    assertTrue(new YUVFormat().getSize() == null);
    assertEquals(new YUVFormat().getDataType(), Format.byteArray);
    assertEquals(new AudioFormat(AudioFormat.DOLBYAC3).getDataType(), Format.byteArray);

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        new YUVFormat(),
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        new RGBFormat(null, -1, Format.byteArray, -1.0f, 24, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, -1, -1, -1, -1),
        new RGBFormat(null, -1, Format.intArray, -1.0f, 32, 0xff0000, 0xff00, 0xff, 1, -1, -1, -1),
        new RGBFormat(null, -1, Format.intArray, -1.0f, 32, 0xff, 0xff00, 0xff0000, 1, -1, -1, -1),
      new Format[] {
        new YUVFormat(null, -1, Format.byteArray, -1.0f, 2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1),
      new Format[] {
        new AudioFormat("LINEAR", -1.0, 16, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1.0, Format.byteArray),
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    assertEquals(c.doCheckFormat(new Format(null)), true);
    assertEquals(c.doCheckFormat(new Format("xyz")), true);
    c.setInputFormat(new RGBFormat());
    assertEquals(c.doCheckFormat(null), true);
    assertEquals(c.doCheckFormat(new YUVFormat()), true);
    c.setInputFormats(new Format[]{new RGBFormat()});
    assertEquals(c.doCheckFormat(null), true);
    assertEquals(c.doCheckFormat(new YUVFormat()), true);
    c.setOutputFormats(new Format[]{new RGBFormat()});
    assertEquals(c.doCheckFormat(null), true);
    assertEquals(c.doCheckFormat(new YUVFormat()), true);

    c.setOutputFormat(new RGBFormat());
    assertEquals(c.doCheckFormat(null), true);
    assertEquals(c.doCheckFormat(new YUVFormat()), true);
      final TracingFormat f = new TracingFormat("zzz");
      assertEquals(f.getStringBuffer().toString(), "");
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