Handshake message between client and server to set up the TLS handshake.
This class represents the handshake messages exchanged between the client and the server to agree on the initiation of the TLS handshake.
When the client sends the TLSMessage(READY), it must not send any further traffic on the underlying transport service until a corresponding reply message, either TLSMessage(PROCEED) or an {@link HandshakeErrorMessage indication} message, is received.When the client receives a TLSMessage(PROCEED) in reply to its TLSMessage(READY) it immediately begins the underlying negotiation process for TLS transport security.
When the server receives the TLSMessage(READY), it must not send any further traffic on the underlying transport service until it generates a corresponding reply. If the server decides to allow TLS transport security negotiation it sends a TLSMessage(PROCEED) and awaits the underlying negotiation process for TLS transport security. Otherwise, the server sends an {@link HandshakeErrorMessage indication} as to why the operation failed.
The status attribute takes one of the two values: