Handshake end message exchanged between the client and the server. From client to server it signals the completion of the profile exchanges. From server to client it signals the acceptance of the negotiated profiles by the server.
When the connection between the client and the server is established the server sends a {@link HandshakeBeginMessage handshake begin} message to the client with all the server'ssupported profiles. Then, the client selects the profiles it wants to use and starts exchanging messages with the server for the selected profiles. Once the profile exchanges between the client and server are completed the client sends this message to notify the server that the handshake exchanges have been completed. The server replies with its own HandshakeEndMessage
to confirm that it is ready to operate with the selected profiles, and to indicate the connection ID it has created; or, if it is not prepared to operate with the selected profiles, it replies with a {@link HandshakeErrorMessage}.
If an error is encountered at any time, either on the client or the server side, either peer can send an {@link HandshakeErrorMessage indication} as to why the operationfailed.
The context object exchanged between the client and the server is an opaque (serializable) object that is conveyed within this HandshakeEndMessage