eventClass = ReflectionUtil.forName (value);
catch (Throwable e)
throw new TagAttributeException (type, "Couldn't create event class", e);
else if (events.size() > 1)
StringBuilder classNames = new StringBuilder ("[");
Iterator<Class<? extends ComponentSystemEvent>> eventIterator = events.iterator();
// TODO: The spec is somewhat vague, but I think we're supposed to throw an exception
// here. The @NamedEvent javadocs say that if a short name is registered to more than one
// event class that we must throw an exception listing the short name and the classes in
// the list _when the application makes reference to it_. I believe processing this tag
// qualifies as the application "making reference" to the short name. Why the exception
// isn't thrown when processing the @NamedEvent annotation, I don't know. Perhaps follow
// up with the EG to see if this is correct.
while (eventIterator.hasNext())
classNames.append (eventIterator.next().getName());
if (eventIterator.hasNext())
classNames.append (", ");
classNames.append ("]");
throw new FacesException ("The event name '" + value + "' is mapped to more than one " +
" event class: " + classNames.toString());
eventClass = events.iterator().next();
if (!ComponentSystemEvent.class.isAssignableFrom (eventClass))
throw new TagAttributeException (type, "Event class " + eventClass.getName() +
" is not of type javax.faces.event.ComponentSystemEvent");
return (Class<? extends ComponentSystemEvent>) eventClass;