Annotation []qualifiers)
WebComponent component = getWebComponent(createTargetBaseType(type));
if (component == null) {
throw new UnsatisfiedResolutionException(L.l("Can't find a bean for '{0}' because no beans implementing that class have been registered with the injection manager {1}.",
type, this));
else {
ArrayList<Bean<?>> enabledList = component.getEnabledBeanList();
if (enabledList.size() == 0) {
throw new UnsatisfiedResolutionException(L.l("Can't find a bean for '{0}' because no beans implementing that class have been registered with the injection manager {1}.",
type, this));
else {
return new UnsatisfiedResolutionException(L.l("Can't find a bean for '{0}' because no beans match the type and qualifiers {1}.\nBeans:{2}",