// descriptor is loaded from the .ser file
FileInputStream fis = null;
try {
fis = new FileInputStream(descriptorFile);
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
DeploymentDescriptor dd = (DeploymentDescriptor) ois.readObject();
String homeInterfacePath
= dd.getHomeInterfaceClassName().replace('.', '/') + ".java";
String remoteInterfacePath
= dd.getRemoteInterfaceClassName().replace('.', '/') + ".java";
String primaryKeyClassPath = null;
if (dd instanceof EntityDescriptor) {
= ((EntityDescriptor) dd).getPrimaryKeyClassName();
= primaryKeyClassPath.replace('.', '/') + ".java";;
File homeInterfaceSource = new File(sourceDirectory, homeInterfacePath);
File remoteInterfaceSource = new File(sourceDirectory, remoteInterfacePath);
File primaryKeyClassSource = null;
if (primaryKeyClassPath != null) {
primaryKeyClassSource = new File(sourceDirectory, remoteInterfacePath);
// are any of the above out of date.
// we find the implementation classes and see if they are older than any
// of the above or the .ser file itself.
String beanClassBase = dd.getEnterpriseBeanClassName().replace('.', '/');
File ejbImplentationClass
= new File(generatedFilesDirectory, beanClassBase + "EOImpl.class");
File homeImplementationClass
= new File(generatedFilesDirectory, beanClassBase + "HomeImpl.class");
File beanStubClass