* @param review The JAXB review object representing the data to write to file.
* @throws IOException Thrown if there are issues writing to file.
* @throws XMLStreamException Thrown if there are errors writing to the XML stream.
private static void write(File outputXml, Review review) throws IOException, XMLStreamException {
StaxUtilsXMLOutputFactory xmlof = new StaxUtilsXMLOutputFactory(XMLOutputFactory.newInstance());
xmlof.setProperty(StaxUtilsXMLOutputFactory.INDENTING, true);
XMLStreamWriter writer = null;
try {
writer = xmlof.createXMLStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(outputXml), "UTF-8");
writer.writeStartDocument("UTF-8", "1.0");
StaxReviewXmlUtil.writeReview(writer, review);
finally {