@SuppressFBWarnings(value = "VA_FORMAT_STRING_USES_NEWLINE",
justification = "use <CR><LF> as according to RFC, not platform-linefeed")
Socket makeTunnel(String host, int port, String proxyUsername,
String proxyPassword, InetSocketAddress proxyAddress) throws IOException {
if(host == null || port < 0 || host.isEmpty() || proxyAddress == null){
throw new ProtocolException("Incorrect parameters to build tunnel.");
logger.debug("Creating socket for Proxy : " + proxyAddress.getAddress() + ":" + proxyAddress.getPort());
Socket socket;
try {
ProxyClient client = new ProxyClient();
client.getParams().setParameter("http.useragent", "java-apns");
client.getHostConfiguration().setHost(host, port);
String proxyHost = proxyAddress.getAddress().toString().substring(0, proxyAddress.getAddress().toString().indexOf("/"));
client.getHostConfiguration().setProxy(proxyHost, proxyAddress.getPort());
ProxyClient.ConnectResponse response = client.connect();
socket = response.getSocket();
if (socket == null) {
ConnectMethod method = response.getConnectMethod();
// Read the proxy's HTTP response.
if(method.getStatusLine().toString().matches("HTTP/1\\.\\d 407 Proxy Authentication Required")) {
// Proxy server returned 407. We will now try to connect with auth Header
if(proxyUsername != null && proxyPassword != null) {
socket = AuthenticateProxy(method, client,proxyHost, proxyAddress.getPort(),
proxyUsername, proxyPassword);
} else {
throw new ProtocolException("Socket not created: " + method.getStatusLine());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ProtocolException("Error occurred while creating proxy socket : " + e.toString());
if (socket != null) {
logger.debug("Socket for proxy created successfully : " + socket.getRemoteSocketAddress().toString());
return socket;