Package java.awt.font

Examples of java.awt.font.LineMetrics


    final FontRenderContext frc = g2.getFontRenderContext();
    final Font f = g2.getFont();
//    final FontMetrics fm = g2.getFontMetrics(f);
    final LineMetrics metrics = f.getLineMetrics(label, frc);
    final float ascent = metrics.getAscent();
    final float halfAscent = ascent / 2.0f;
    g2.drawString(label, (float) x, (float) (y + halfAscent));
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        // now try to play with little boxes
        // rotate them either on upper left corner or lower lef corner
        // probably can be simplified ...
        visible = true;
        LineMetrics lm = font.getLineMetrics("MM", frc);
        if (lm == null) {
            System.out.println("null metrics");
        float h = (float) lm.getAscent();
        //System.out.println("ascent:" + h + " w:" + w + " s:" + s +
        // " corr:" + corr + " wc:" + (w - corr * h) + " " + str);
        corr = 0f;
        w -= corr * h;
        float sc = (float) (w / s);
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        width = fm.stringWidth(text);

      final LineMetrics metrics = f.getLineMetrics(text, frc);
      final float descent = metrics.getDescent();
      final float leading = metrics.getLeading();
      final float yAdj = -descent - leading + (float) (metrics.getHeight() / 2.0);
      final float xAdj = -width / 2.0f;
      g2.drawString(text, (float) (x + xAdj), (float) (y + yAdj));
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           pointzero = yaxis1.transform(new Point2D.Float((float)con.getMinimumColumnValue(),
        FontRenderContext columnTopfrc = null;
        LineMetrics lm = null;
        DecimalFormat df = null;
        Rectangle2D fontRec = null;
        String columnTop = null;
        if (barTopFormat != null) {
            columnTopfrc = new FontRenderContext(null, false, false);
        /* We paint the values starting at x-value "0".
         * As we only render BarCharts for ChartDataModels with
         * non-numeric x-axis values we don't have to read those
         * values from the data model. You can look in
         * ObjectChartDataModel to see, how the x-axis bounds
         * are defined: the minimum value is always 0, the maximum
         * value is the amount of non-numeric x-axis values.
        for(int i = 0; i < datasetcount; i++) {
            //System.out.println("** DataSet "+i);
            for(int j = 0; j < m.getDataSetLength(i); j++) {
                yaxis1.transform(new Point2D.Float((float)j, m.getValueAt(i, j).floatValue()),
                Rectangle2D box =
                    new Rectangle2D.Float((float)(value.getX() + margin + i*boxwidth),
                                          (float)Math.min(value.getY(), pointzero.getY()),
                                          (float)Math.abs(pointzero.getY() - value.getY()));

                if (barTopFormat != null) {
                    //get value for zero'th set, index j
                    columnTop = barTopFormat.format(model.getValueAt(i,j).doubleValue());
                    fontRec = barTopFont.getStringBounds(columnTop, columnTopfrc);
                    lm = barTopFont.getLineMetrics(columnTop, columnTopfrc);
                        (float)(value.getX() + i*boxwidth +
                                (boxwidth - fontRec.getWidth())/2) - lm.getLeading(),
                        (float)(Math.min(value.getY(), pointzero.getY())-lm.getDescent()));
   }//end render method   
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            FontRenderContext fcr = new FontRenderContext(null, true, true);
            glyphs = font.createGlyphVector(fcr, text);
            width = (int) glyphs.getLogicalBounds().getWidth() + 4;
            height = (int) glyphs.getLogicalBounds().getHeight();

            LineMetrics lineMetrics = font.getLineMetrics(text, fcr);
            ascent = lineMetrics.getAscent();
            height = (int) lineMetrics.getHeight();
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        if (TextUtilities.useFontMetricsGetStringBounds) {
            bounds = fm.getStringBounds(text, g2);
            // getStringBounds() can return incorrect height for some Unicode
            // characters...see bug parade 6183356, let's replace it with
            // something correct
            LineMetrics lm = fm.getFont().getLineMetrics(text,
            bounds.setRect(bounds.getX(), bounds.getY(), bounds.getWidth(),
        else {
            final double width = fm.stringWidth(text);
            final double height = fm.getHeight();
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
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        final float[] result = new float[3];
        final FontRenderContext frc = g2.getFontRenderContext();
        final Font f = g2.getFont();
        final FontMetrics fm = g2.getFontMetrics(f);
        final Rectangle2D bounds = TextUtilities.getTextBounds(text, g2, fm);
        final LineMetrics metrics = f.getLineMetrics(text, frc);
        final float ascent = metrics.getAscent();
        result[2] = -ascent;
        final float halfAscent = ascent / 2.0f;
        final float descent = metrics.getDescent();
        final float leading = metrics.getLeading();
        float xAdj = 0.0f;
        float yAdj = 0.0f;

        if (anchor == TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER
                || anchor == TextAnchor.CENTER
                || anchor == TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER
                || anchor == TextAnchor.BASELINE_CENTER
                || anchor == TextAnchor.HALF_ASCENT_CENTER) {

            xAdj = (float) -bounds.getWidth() / 2.0f;

        else if (anchor == TextAnchor.TOP_RIGHT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.CENTER_RIGHT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.BOTTOM_RIGHT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.BASELINE_RIGHT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.HALF_ASCENT_RIGHT) {

            xAdj = (float) -bounds.getWidth();


        if (anchor == TextAnchor.TOP_LEFT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER
                || anchor == TextAnchor.TOP_RIGHT) {

            yAdj = -descent - leading + (float) bounds.getHeight();

        else if (anchor == TextAnchor.HALF_ASCENT_LEFT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.HALF_ASCENT_CENTER
                || anchor == TextAnchor.HALF_ASCENT_RIGHT) {

            yAdj = halfAscent;

        else if (anchor == TextAnchor.CENTER_LEFT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.CENTER
                || anchor == TextAnchor.CENTER_RIGHT) {

            yAdj = -descent - leading + (float) (bounds.getHeight() / 2.0);

        else if (anchor == TextAnchor.BASELINE_LEFT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.BASELINE_CENTER
                || anchor == TextAnchor.BASELINE_RIGHT) {

            yAdj = 0.0f;

        else if (anchor == TextAnchor.BOTTOM_LEFT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER
                || anchor == TextAnchor.BOTTOM_RIGHT) {

            yAdj = -metrics.getDescent() - metrics.getLeading();

        if (textBounds != null) {
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        final float[] result = new float[2];
        final FontRenderContext frc = g2.getFontRenderContext();
        final Font f = g2.getFont();
        final FontMetrics fm = g2.getFontMetrics(f);
        final Rectangle2D bounds = TextUtilities.getTextBounds(text, g2, fm);
        final LineMetrics metrics = f.getLineMetrics(text, frc);
        final float ascent = metrics.getAscent();
        final float halfAscent = ascent / 2.0f;
        final float descent = metrics.getDescent();
        final float leading = metrics.getLeading();
        float xAdj = 0.0f;
        float yAdj = 0.0f;

        if (anchor == TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER
                || anchor == TextAnchor.CENTER
                || anchor == TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER
                || anchor == TextAnchor.BASELINE_CENTER
                || anchor == TextAnchor.HALF_ASCENT_CENTER) {

            xAdj = (float) -bounds.getWidth() / 2.0f;

        else if (anchor == TextAnchor.TOP_RIGHT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.CENTER_RIGHT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.BOTTOM_RIGHT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.BASELINE_RIGHT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.HALF_ASCENT_RIGHT) {

            xAdj = (float) -bounds.getWidth();


        if (anchor == TextAnchor.TOP_LEFT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER
                || anchor == TextAnchor.TOP_RIGHT) {

            yAdj = -descent - leading + (float) bounds.getHeight();

        else if (anchor == TextAnchor.HALF_ASCENT_LEFT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.HALF_ASCENT_CENTER
                || anchor == TextAnchor.HALF_ASCENT_RIGHT) {

            yAdj = halfAscent;

        else if (anchor == TextAnchor.CENTER_LEFT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.CENTER
                || anchor == TextAnchor.CENTER_RIGHT) {

            yAdj = -descent - leading + (float) (bounds.getHeight() / 2.0);

        else if (anchor == TextAnchor.BASELINE_LEFT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.BASELINE_CENTER
                || anchor == TextAnchor.BASELINE_RIGHT) {

            yAdj = 0.0f;

        else if (anchor == TextAnchor.BOTTOM_LEFT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER
                || anchor == TextAnchor.BOTTOM_RIGHT) {

            yAdj = -metrics.getDescent() - metrics.getLeading();

        result[0] = xAdj;
        result[1] = yAdj;
        return result;
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    private static float[] deriveRotationAnchorOffsets(final Graphics2D g2,
            final String text, final TextAnchor anchor) {

        final float[] result = new float[2];
        final FontRenderContext frc = g2.getFontRenderContext();
        final LineMetrics metrics = g2.getFont().getLineMetrics(text, frc);
        final FontMetrics fm = g2.getFontMetrics();
        final Rectangle2D bounds = TextUtilities.getTextBounds(text, g2, fm);
        final float ascent = metrics.getAscent();
        final float halfAscent = ascent / 2.0f;
        final float descent = metrics.getDescent();
        final float leading = metrics.getLeading();
        float xAdj = 0.0f;
        float yAdj = 0.0f;

        if (anchor == TextAnchor.TOP_LEFT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.CENTER_LEFT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.BOTTOM_LEFT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.BASELINE_LEFT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.HALF_ASCENT_LEFT) {

            xAdj = 0.0f;

        else if (anchor == TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER
                || anchor == TextAnchor.CENTER
                || anchor == TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER
                || anchor == TextAnchor.BASELINE_CENTER
                || anchor == TextAnchor.HALF_ASCENT_CENTER) {

            xAdj = (float) bounds.getWidth() / 2.0f;

        else if (anchor == TextAnchor.TOP_RIGHT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.CENTER_RIGHT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.BOTTOM_RIGHT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.BASELINE_RIGHT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.HALF_ASCENT_RIGHT) {

            xAdj = (float) bounds.getWidth();


        if (anchor == TextAnchor.TOP_LEFT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER
                || anchor == TextAnchor.TOP_RIGHT) {

            yAdj = descent + leading - (float) bounds.getHeight();

        else if (anchor == TextAnchor.CENTER_LEFT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.CENTER
                || anchor == TextAnchor.CENTER_RIGHT) {

            yAdj = descent + leading - (float) (bounds.getHeight() / 2.0);

        else if (anchor == TextAnchor.HALF_ASCENT_LEFT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.HALF_ASCENT_CENTER
                || anchor == TextAnchor.HALF_ASCENT_RIGHT) {

            yAdj = -halfAscent;

        else if (anchor == TextAnchor.BASELINE_LEFT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.BASELINE_CENTER
                || anchor == TextAnchor.BASELINE_RIGHT) {

            yAdj = 0.0f;

        else if (anchor == TextAnchor.BOTTOM_LEFT
                || anchor == TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER
                || anchor == TextAnchor.BOTTOM_RIGHT) {

            yAdj = metrics.getDescent() + metrics.getLeading();

        result[0] = xAdj;
        result[1] = yAdj;
        return result;
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        this.project = project;
        Font font = getFont();//UIUtil.getListFont();

        LineMetrics lineMetrics = font.getLineMetrics("ABC", SwingUtilities2.getFontRenderContext(this));
        int fontHeight = Math.round(lineMetrics.getHeight());
        setRowHeight(fontHeight + 2);

        final JTableHeader tableHeader = getTableHeader();
        if (!showHeader) {
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Related Classes of java.awt.font.LineMetrics

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