private static void removeSynchronized(MethodNode mth) {
Region startRegion = mth.getRegion();
List<IContainer> subBlocks = startRegion.getSubBlocks();
if (!subBlocks.isEmpty() && subBlocks.get(0) instanceof SynchronizedRegion) {
SynchronizedRegion synchRegion = (SynchronizedRegion) subBlocks.get(0);
InsnNode synchInsn = synchRegion.getEnterInsn();
if (!synchInsn.getArg(0).isThis()) {
LOG.warn("In synchronized method {}, top region not synchronized by 'this' {}", mth, synchInsn);
// replace synchronized block with inner region
startRegion.getSubBlocks().set(0, synchRegion.getRegion());
// remove 'monitor-enter' instruction
InstructionRemover.remove(mth, synchInsn);
// remove 'monitor-exit' instruction
for (InsnNode exit : synchRegion.getExitInsns()) {
InstructionRemover.remove(mth, exit);
// run region cleaner again
// assume that CodeShrinker will be run after this