final long logInterval ) throws IOException, ConfigurationException, URISyntaxException, ClassNotFoundException, SecurityException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException {
super( outputBasename, inputBasename, metadataOnly, incremental, bufferSize, writerFlags, interleaved, skips, quantum, height, skipBufferSize, logInterval );
this.incremental = incremental;
tempFile = File.createTempFile( "MG4J", ".data", tempFileDir );
cacheBitStreamOut = new CachingOutputBitStream( tempFile, tempBufferSize );
cacheBitStreamIn = new InputBitStream( tempFile, bufferSize );
cacheBitStreamInWrapper = new InputBitStream( cacheBitStreamOut.buffer() );
/* In this case, we must reallocate position as by merging occurences we might
* obtain an occurrence list as large as the concatenation of all largest
* lists. We use this estimate to allocate position, and update maxCount in