* Hints to be used by this reader throughout his life. * @throws DataSourceException */ public JP2ECWReader(Object input, final Hints hints) throws DataSourceException { super(input, hints, worldFileExt, new JP2GDALEcwImageReaderSpi()); }
// if these classes are here, then the runtime environment has // access to JAI and the JAI ImageI/O toolbox. try { Class .forName("it.geosolutions.imageio.plugins.jp2ecw.JP2GDALEcwImageReaderSpi"); available = new JP2GDALEcwImageReaderSpi().isAvailable(); if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { if (available) { LOGGER.fine("JP2ECWFormatFactory is availaible."); } else {
/** * Creates an instance and sets the metadata. */ public JP2ECWFormat() { super(new JP2GDALEcwImageReaderSpi()); if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOGGER.fine("Creating a new JP2KFormat."); }