// Kpi Relations
List exportedKpiRelList = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiKpiRel", null);
Iterator iterKpiRel = exportedKpiRelList.iterator();
while (iterKpiRel.hasNext()) {
SbiKpiRel kpirel = (SbiKpiRel) iterKpiRel.next();
// check if the association already exist
Map uniqueMap = new HashMap();
Map kpiAss = metaAss.getKpiIDAssociation();
if(kpirel.getSbiKpiByKpiFatherId() != null){
Integer newFatherId = (Integer)kpiAss.get(kpirel.getSbiKpiByKpiFatherId().getKpiId());
uniqueMap.put("fatherId", newFatherId);
if(kpirel.getSbiKpiByKpiChildId()!= null){
Integer newChildId = (Integer)kpiAss.get(kpirel.getSbiKpiByKpiChildId().getKpiId());
uniqueMap.put("childId", newChildId);
uniqueMap.put("parameter", kpirel.getParameter());
Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(uniqueMap, sessionCurrDB, new SbiKpiRel());
if (existObj != null) {
SbiKpiRel dsCurr = (SbiKpiRel) existObj;
metaAss.insertCoupleKpiRelAssociation(kpirel.getKpiRelId(), dsCurr.getKpiRelId());
metaLog.log("Found an existing kpi Relation");
// Udp
List exportedUdpList = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiUdp", null);
Iterator iterUdp = exportedUdpList.iterator();
while (iterUdp.hasNext()) {
SbiUdp udp = (SbiUdp) iterUdp.next();
//logical unique key but table just looks for label
/* Map uniqueMap = new HashMap();
Map doaminAss = metaAss.getDomainIDAssociation();
Integer newTypeId = (Integer)doaminAss.get(udp.getTypeId());
uniqueMap.put("typeId", newTypeId);
Integer newFamilyId = (Integer)doaminAss.get(udp.getFamilyId());
uniqueMap.put("familyId", newFamilyId);
uniqueMap.put("label", udp.getLabel());
Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(uniqueMap, sessionCurrDB, new SbiUdp());*/
String label = udp.getLabel();
Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(label, sessionCurrDB, new SbiUdp());
if (existObj != null) {
SbiUdp dsCurr = (SbiUdp) existObj;
metaAss.insertCoupleUdpAssociation(udp.getUdpId(), dsCurr.getUdpId());
metaLog.log("Exported association between type id " + udp.getTypeId() + " "
+ " and family id " + udp.getFamilyId() + " with label "
+ udp.getLabel() + " not inserted"
+ " because already existing into the current database");
// Udp Value
List exportedUdpValList = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiUdpValue", null);
Iterator iterUdpVal = exportedUdpValList.iterator();
while (iterUdpVal.hasNext()) {
SbiUdpValue udpVal = (SbiUdpValue) iterUdpVal.next();
// check if the association already exist
Map uniqueMap = new HashMap();
Map kpiAss = metaAss.getKpiIDAssociation();
Map modelAss = metaAss.getModelIDAssociation();
Map udpAss = metaAss.getUdpAssociation();
if(udpVal.getSbiUdp() != null){
Integer newUdpId = (Integer)udpAss.get(udpVal.getSbiUdp().getUdpId());
uniqueMap.put("udpId", newUdpId);
Integer newRefId = null;
newRefId = (Integer)kpiAss.get(udpVal.getReferenceId());
newRefId = (Integer)modelAss.get(udpVal.getReferenceId());
uniqueMap.put("referenceId", newRefId);
uniqueMap.put("family", udpVal.getFamily());
Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(uniqueMap, sessionCurrDB, new SbiUdpValue());
if (existObj != null) {
SbiUdpValue dsCurr = (SbiUdpValue) existObj;
metaAss.insertCoupleUdpValueAssociation(udpVal.getUdpValueId(), dsCurr.getUdpValueId());
metaLog.log("Exported association udp value between udp with label " + udpVal.getSbiUdp().getLabel() + " "
+ " and family " + udpVal.getFamily() + " with reference id "
+ udpVal.getReferenceId() + " not inserted"
+ " because already existing into the current database");
// OU SbiOrgUnit
List exportedSbiOrgUnitList = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiOrgUnit", null);
Iterator iterOUVal = exportedSbiOrgUnitList.iterator();
while (iterOUVal.hasNext()) {
SbiOrgUnit ouVal = (SbiOrgUnit) iterOUVal.next();
Map uniqueMap = new HashMap();
String label = ouVal.getLabel();
String name = ouVal.getName();
uniqueMap.put("label", label);
uniqueMap.put("name", name);
Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(uniqueMap, sessionCurrDB, new SbiOrgUnit());
if (existObj != null) {
SbiOrgUnit dsCurr = (SbiOrgUnit) existObj;
metaAss.insertCoupleIdOuAssociation(ouVal.getId(), dsCurr.getId());
metaLog.log("Found an existing ou " + dsCurr.getName() + " with "
+ "the same label of one exported ou");
}// OU hierarchy SbiOrgUnitHierarchies
List exportedSbiOuHierList = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiOrgUnitHierarchies", null);
Iterator iterOUHierVal = exportedSbiOuHierList.iterator();
while (iterOUHierVal.hasNext()) {
SbiOrgUnitHierarchies ouHierVal = (SbiOrgUnitHierarchies) iterOUHierVal.next();
// check if the association already exist
Map uniqueMap = new HashMap();
String label = ouHierVal.getLabel();
String company = ouHierVal.getCompany();
uniqueMap.put("label", label);
uniqueMap.put("company", company);
Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(uniqueMap, sessionCurrDB, new SbiOrgUnitHierarchies());
if (existObj != null) {
SbiOrgUnitHierarchies dsCurr = (SbiOrgUnitHierarchies) existObj;
metaAss.insertCoupleIdOuHierarchyAssociation(ouHierVal.getId(), dsCurr.getId());
metaLog.log("Found an existing ou hierarchy " + dsCurr.getName() + " with "
+ "the same label of one exported ou hierarchy");
String label = ouHierVal.getLabel();
Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(label, sessionCurrDB, new SbiOrgUnitHierarchies());
if (existObj != null) {
SbiOrgUnitHierarchies dsCurr = (SbiOrgUnitHierarchies) existObj;
metaAss.insertCoupleIdOuHierarchyAssociation(ouHierVal.getId(), dsCurr.getId());
metaLog.log("Found an existing ou hierarchy " + dsCurr.getName() + " with "
+ "the same label of one exported ou hierarchy");
}// OU node SbiOrgUnitNodes
List exportedSbiOrgUnitNodeList = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiOrgUnitNodes", null);
Iterator iterOUNodeVal = exportedSbiOrgUnitNodeList.iterator();
while (iterOUNodeVal.hasNext()) {
SbiOrgUnitNodes ouVal = (SbiOrgUnitNodes) iterOUNodeVal.next();
// check if the association already exist
Map uniqueMap = new HashMap();
Map ouAss = metaAss.getOuAssociation();
Map hierAss = metaAss.getOuHierarchiesAssociation();
if(ouVal.getSbiOrgUnit() != null){
Integer newOuId = (Integer)ouAss.get(ouVal.getSbiOrgUnit().getId());
uniqueMap.put("ouId", newOuId);
Integer newHierId = (Integer)hierAss.get(ouVal.getSbiOrgUnitHierarchies().getId());
uniqueMap.put("hierarchyId", newHierId);
Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(uniqueMap, sessionCurrDB, new SbiOrgUnitNodes());
if (existObj != null) {
SbiOrgUnitNodes dsCurr = (SbiOrgUnitNodes) existObj;
metaAss.insertCoupleIdOuNodeAssociation(ouVal.getNodeId(), dsCurr.getNodeId());
metaLog.log("Found an existing ou node " + dsCurr.getNodeId() + " with "
+ "the same organizational unit and hierarchy of one exported ou node");
}// OU grants SbiOrgUnitGrant
List exportedSbiOUGrantList = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiOrgUnitGrant", null);
Iterator iterOUGrantVal = exportedSbiOUGrantList.iterator();
while (iterOUGrantVal.hasNext()) {
SbiOrgUnitGrant ouGrantVal = (SbiOrgUnitGrant) iterOUGrantVal.next();
String label = ouGrantVal.getLabel();
Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(label, sessionCurrDB, new SbiOrgUnitGrant());
if (existObj != null) {
SbiOrgUnitGrant dsCurr = (SbiOrgUnitGrant) existObj;
metaAss.insertCoupleIdOuGrantAssociation(ouGrantVal.getId(), dsCurr.getId());
metaLog.log("Found an existing ou grant " + dsCurr.getId() + " with "
+ "the same label of one exported ou grant");
}// OU grant nodes SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes
List exportedSbiOUGrantNodeList = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes", null);
Iterator iterOUGrantNodesVal = exportedSbiOUGrantNodeList.iterator();
while (iterOUGrantNodesVal.hasNext()) {
SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes ouGrantNode = (SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes) iterOUGrantNodesVal.next();
Map uniqueMap = new HashMap();
Map nodeAss = metaAss.getOuNodeAssociation();
Map miAss = metaAss.getModelInstanceIDAssociation();
Map grantAss = metaAss.getOuGrantAssociation();
if(ouGrantNode.getId() != null){
Integer newGrantId = (Integer)grantAss.get(ouGrantNode.getId().getGrantId());
uniqueMap.put("grantId", newGrantId );
Integer newNodeId = (Integer)nodeAss.get(ouGrantNode.getId().getNodeId());
uniqueMap.put("nodeId", newNodeId);
Integer newMiId = (Integer)miAss.get(ouGrantNode.getId().getKpiModelInstNodeId());
uniqueMap.put("modelInstId", newMiId);
Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(uniqueMap, sessionCurrDB, new SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes());
if (existObj != null) {
SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes dsCurr = (SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes) existObj;
metaAss.insertCoupleIdOuGrantNodesAssociation(ouGrantNode.getId(), dsCurr.getId());
metaLog.log("Found an existing ou grant node with grant id " + dsCurr.getId().getGrantId() + " with "
+ "the same id of one exported ou grant node");