if(ouGrant != null){
ouLabel = ouGrant.getOuNode().getOu().getLabel();
logger.debug("kpi inst id= "+kVal.getKpiInstanceId()+" parent kpi is "+ kpiParent.getKpiName()+" and OU :"+ ouLabel);
for(int i= 0; i< relations.size(); i++){
KpiRel rel = relations.get(i);
Kpi child = rel.getKpiChild();
IDataSet chDataSet = kpiDao.getDsFromKpiId(child.getKpiId());
HashMap chPars = new HashMap();
//then the one in rel table
String parameter = rel.getParameter();
KpiValue kpiVal = recursiveGetKpiValueFromKpiRel(child, chDataSet, chPars, kVal, begD, endDate, modInstNodeId);
pars.put(parameter, kpiVal.getValue());
//checks if it is to recalculate