// get exported file and eventually the associations file
// UploadedFile archive = null;
// UploadedFile associationsFile = null;
FileItem archive = null;
FileItem associationsFileItem = null;
UploadedFile associationsFile = null;
AssociationFile assFile = null;
try {
String assKindFromReq = (String) request.getAttribute("importAssociationKind");
boolean isNoAssociationModality = assKindFromReq != null && assKindFromReq.equalsIgnoreCase("noassociations");
List uplFiles = request.getAttributeAsList("UPLOADED_FILE");
Iterator uplFilesIter = uplFiles.iterator();
while (uplFilesIter.hasNext()) {
//UploadedFile uplFile = (UploadedFile) uplFilesIter.next();
FileItem uplFile = (FileItem) uplFilesIter.next();
//String nameInForm = uplFile.getFieldNameInForm();
String nameInForm = uplFile.getFieldName();
if (nameInForm.equals("exportedArchive")) {
archive = uplFile;
} else if (nameInForm.equals("associationsFile")) {
associationsFileItem = uplFile;
// check that the name of the uploaded archive is not empty
//String archiveName = archive.getFileName();
String archiveName = GeneralUtilities.getRelativeFileNames(archive.getName());
if (archiveName.trim().equals("")) {
logger.error("Missing exported file");
response.setAttribute(ImportExportConstants.PUBLISHER_NAME, "ImportExportLoopbackStopImport");
throw new EMFValidationError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "exportedArchive", "8007", "component_impexp_messages");
int maxSize = ImportUtilities.getImportFileMaxSize();
if (archive.getSize() > maxSize) {
logger.error("File is too large!!!");
response.setAttribute(ImportExportConstants.PUBLISHER_NAME, "ImportExportLoopbackStopImport");
throw new EMFValidationError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "exportedArchive", "202");
// checks if the association file is bigger than 1 MB, that is more than enough!!
if (associationsFileItem != null) {
if (associationsFileItem.getSize() > 1048576) {
throw new EMFValidationError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "associationsFile", "202");
// loads association file
associationsFile = new UploadedFile();
// if the user choose to have no associations, checks the form, otherwise set the variable associationsFile = null
if (!isNoAssociationModality) {
// check if the name of associations file is empty (in this case set
// null to the variable)
if (associationsFile != null) {
String associationsFileName = associationsFile.getFileName();
if (associationsFileName.trim().equals("")) {
associationsFile = null;
// if the association file is empty then check if there is an
// association id
// rebuild the uploaded file and assign it to associationsFile variable
if (associationsFile == null) {
String assId = (String) request.getAttribute("hidAssId");
if ((assId != null) && !assId.trim().equals("")) {
IAssociationFileDAO assfiledao = new AssociationFileDAO();
assFile = assfiledao.loadFromID(assId);
byte[] content = assfiledao.getContent(assFile);
UploadedFile uplFile = new UploadedFile();
associationsFile = uplFile;
} else {
associationsFile = null;