Package it.eng.qbe.datasource.transaction

Examples of it.eng.qbe.datasource.transaction.ITransaction

    String responseType = null;
    boolean writeBackResponseInline = false;
    String mimeType = null;
    String fileExtension = null;
    IStatement statement = null;
    ITransaction transaction = null
    Connection connection = null;
    //HQL2SQLStatementRewriter queryRewriter = null;
    String jpaQueryStr = null;
    String sqlQuery = null;
    SQLFieldsReader fieldsReader = null;
    Vector extractedFields = null;
    Map params = null;
    TemplateBuilder templateBuilder = null;
    String templateContent = null;
    File reportFile = null;
    ReportRunner runner = null;
    boolean isFormEngineInstance = false;
    try {
      super.service(request, response)
      mimeType = getAttributeAsString( MIME_TYPE );
      logger.debug(MIME_TYPE + ": " + mimeType);   
      responseType = getAttributeAsString( RESPONSE_TYPE );
      logger.debug(RESPONSE_TYPE + ": " + responseType);
      Assert.assertNotNull(getEngineInstance(), "It's not possible to execute " + this.getActionName() + " service before having properly created an instance of EngineInstance class");
      transaction = (getEngineInstance().getDataSource()).getTransaction();
      fileExtension = MimeUtils.getFileExtension( mimeType );
      writeBackResponseInline = RESPONSE_TYPE_INLINE.equalsIgnoreCase(responseType);
      isFormEngineInstance = getEngineInstance().getTemplate().getProperty("formJSONTemplate") != null;
      if (!isFormEngineInstance) {
        // case of standard QBE
        Assert.assertNotNull(getEngineInstance().getActiveQuery(), "Query object cannot be null in oder to execute " + this.getActionName() + " service");
        Assert.assertTrue(getEngineInstance().getActiveQuery().isEmpty() == false, "Query object cannot be empty in oder to execute " + this.getActionName() + " service");
        Assert.assertNotNull(mimeType, "Input parameter [" + MIME_TYPE + "] cannot be null in oder to execute " + this.getActionName() + " service");   
        Assert.assertTrue( MimeUtils.isValidMimeType( mimeType ) == true, "[" + mimeType + "] is not a valid value for " + MIME_TYPE + " parameter");
        Assert.assertNotNull(responseType, "Input parameter [" + RESPONSE_TYPE + "] cannot be null in oder to execute " + this.getActionName() + " service");   
        Assert.assertTrue( RESPONSE_TYPE_INLINE.equalsIgnoreCase(responseType) || RESPONSE_TYPE_ATTACHMENT.equalsIgnoreCase(responseType), "[" + responseType + "] is not a valid value for " + RESPONSE_TYPE + " parameter");
        statement = getEngineInstance().getDataSource().createStatement( getEngineInstance().getActiveQuery() );   
        //logger.debug("Parametric query: [" + statement.getQueryString() + "]");
        statement.setParameters( getEnv() );
        jpaQueryStr = statement.getQueryString();
        logger.debug("Executable HQL/JPQL query: [" + jpaQueryStr + "]");
        sqlQuery = statement.getSqlQueryString();
        Assert.assertNotNull(sqlQuery, "The SQL query is needed while exporting results.");
      } else {
        // case of FormEngine
        sqlQuery = this.getAttributeFromSessionAsString(ExecuteDetailQueryAction.LAST_DETAIL_QUERY);
        Assert.assertNotNull(sqlQuery, "The detail query was not found, maybe you have not execute the detail query yet.");
      logger.debug("Executable SQL query: [" + sqlQuery + "]");
      logger.debug("Exctracting fields ...");
      fieldsReader = new SQLFieldsReader(sqlQuery, transaction.getSQLConnection());
      try {
        extractedFields = fieldsReader.readFields();
      } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.debug("Impossible to extract fields from query");
        throw new SpagoBIEngineException("Impossible to extract fields from query: " + jpaQueryStr, e);
      logger.debug("Fields extracted succesfully");
      Assert.assertTrue(getEngineInstance().getActiveQuery().getDataMartSelectFields(true).size()+getEngineInstance().getActiveQuery().getInLineCalculatedSelectFields(true).size() == extractedFields.size(),
          "The number of fields extracted from query resultset cannot be different from the number of fields specified into the query select clause");
      decorateExtractedFields( extractedFields );
      params = new HashMap();
      params.put("pagination", getPaginationParamVaue(mimeType) );
      SourceBean config = (SourceBean)ConfigSingleton.getInstance();   
      SourceBean baseTemplateFileSB = (SourceBean)config.getAttribute("QBE.TEMPLATE-BUILDER.BASE-TEMPLATE");
      String baseTemplateFileStr = null;
      if(baseTemplateFileSB != null) baseTemplateFileStr = baseTemplateFileSB.getCharacters();
      File baseTemplateFile = null;
      if(baseTemplateFileStr != null) baseTemplateFile = new File(baseTemplateFileStr);
      templateBuilder = new TemplateBuilder(sqlQuery, extractedFields, params, baseTemplateFile);
      templateContent = templateBuilder.buildTemplate();
      if( !"text/jrxml".equalsIgnoreCase( mimeType ) ) {
        if( "application/".equalsIgnoreCase( mimeType ) ) {
          IDataStore dataStore = null;
          if (!isFormEngineInstance) {
            // case of standard QBE
            IDataSet dataSet = null;
            Integer limit = 0;
            Integer start = 0;
            Integer maxSize = QbeEngineConfig.getInstance().getResultLimit()
            boolean isMaxResultsLimitBlocking = QbeEngineConfig.getInstance().isMaxResultLimitBlocking();
            dataSet = QbeDatasetFactory.createDataSet(statement);
            Map userAttributes = new HashMap();
            UserProfile profile = (UserProfile)this.getEnv().get(EngineConstants.ENV_USER_PROFILE);
            Iterator it = profile.getUserAttributeNames().iterator();
            while(it.hasNext()) {
              String attributeName = (String);
              Object attributeValue = profile.getUserAttribute(attributeName);
              userAttributes.put(attributeName, attributeValue);
            dataSet.addBinding("attributes", userAttributes);
            dataSet.addBinding("parameters", this.getEnv());
            logger.debug("Executing query ...");
            dataSet.loadData(start, limit, (maxSize == null? -1: maxSize.intValue()));
            dataStore = dataSet.getDataStore();
          } else {
            // case of FormEngine
            JDBCDataSet dataset = new JDBCDataSet();
            IDataSource datasource = (IDataSource) this.getEnv().get( EngineConstants.ENV_DATASOURCE );
            dataset.setUserProfileAttributes(UserProfileUtils.getProfileAttributes( (UserProfile) this.getEnv().get(EngineConstants.ENV_USER_PROFILE)));
            logger.debug("Executing query ...");
            dataStore = dataset.getDataStore();
          Exporter exp = new Exporter(dataStore);
          Workbook wb = exp.exportInExcel();
          File file = File.createTempFile("workbook", ".xls");
          FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(file);
          try {       
            writeBackToClient(file, null, writeBackResponseInline, "workbook.xls", mimeType);
          } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new SpagoBIEngineException("Impossible to write back the responce to the client", ioe);
            if(file != null && file.exists()) {
              try {
              } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.warn("Impossible to delete temporary file " + file, e);
          try {
            reportFile = File.createTempFile("report", ".rpt");
          } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new SpagoBIEngineException("Impossible to create a temporary file to store the template generated on the fly", ioe);
          connection = transaction.getSQLConnection();
          runner = new ReportRunner( );
          Locale locale = this.getLocale();
          try {
   templateContent, reportFile, mimeType, connection, locale);
          catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SpagoBIEngineException("Impossible compile or to export the report", e);
          try {       
            writeBackToClient(reportFile, null, writeBackResponseInline, "report." + fileExtension, mimeType);
          } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new SpagoBIEngineException("Impossible to write back the responce to the client", ioe);
      } else {
        try {       
          writeBackToClient(200, templateContent, writeBackResponseInline, "report." + fileExtension, mimeType);
        } catch (IOException e) {
          throw new SpagoBIEngineException("Impossible to write back the responce to the client", e);
    } catch (Throwable t) {     
      throw SpagoBIEngineServiceExceptionHandler.getInstance().getWrappedException(getActionName(), getEngineInstance(), t);
    } finally {
      try {
        // closing session will close also all connection created into this section
      } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.warn("Impossible to close the connection used to execute the report in " + getActionName() + " service", e);
      if(reportFile != null && reportFile.exists()) {
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Related Classes of it.eng.qbe.datasource.transaction.ITransaction

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