Package ioke.lang

Examples of ioke.lang.NativeMethod

        holder.currentCompletor = null;

        IokeObject history = runtime.newFromOrigin();
        rl.setCell("HISTORY", history);

        rl.registerMethod(runtime.newNativeMethod("will print a prompt to standard out and then try to read a line with working readline functionality. takes two arguments, the first is the string to prompt, the second is a boolean that says whether we should add the read string to history or not", new NativeMethod("readline") {
                private final DefaultArgumentsDefinition ARGUMENTS = DefaultArgumentsDefinition

                public DefaultArgumentsDefinition getArguments() {
                    return ARGUMENTS;

                public Object activate(IokeObject method, IokeObject context, IokeObject message, Object on) throws ControlFlow {
                    List<Object> args = new ArrayList<Object>();
                    getArguments().getEvaluatedArguments(context, message, on, args, new HashMap<String, Object>());

                    Object line = method.runtime.nil;
                    try {
                        if(holder.readline == null) {
                            initReadline(method.runtime, holder);
                        String v = holder.readline.readLine(Text.getText(args.get(0)));
                        if(null != v) {
                            if(IokeObject.isTrue(args.get(1))) {

                            line = method.runtime.newText(v);
                    } catch(IOException e) {
                        final Runtime runtime = context.runtime;
                        final IokeObject condition =,
                                                                                           "IO"), context).mimic(message, context);
                        condition.setCell("message", message);
                        condition.setCell("context", context);
                        condition.setCell("receiver", on);
                        condition.setCell("exceptionMessage", runtime.newText(e.getMessage()));
                        List<Object> ob = new ArrayList<Object>();
                        for(StackTraceElement ste : e.getStackTrace()) {

                        condition.setCell("exceptionStackTrace", runtime.newList(ob));

                        runtime.withReturningRestart("ignore", context, new RunnableWithControlFlow() {
                                public void run() throws ControlFlow {
                    return line;

        history.registerMethod(runtime.newNativeMethod("will add a new line to the history", new NativeMethod("<<") {
                private final DefaultArgumentsDefinition ARGUMENTS = DefaultArgumentsDefinition
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        Runtime runtime = bm.runtime;
        runtime.ground.setCell("Benchmark", bm);

        bm.registerMethod(runtime.newNativeMethod("expects two optional numbers, x (default 10) and y (default 1), and a block of code to run, and will run benchmark this block x times, while looping y times in each benchmark. after each loop will print the timings for this loop", new NativeMethod("report") {
                private final DefaultArgumentsDefinition ARGUMENTS = DefaultArgumentsDefinition
                    .withOptionalPositional("repetitions", "10")
                    .withOptionalPositional("loops", "1")
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