ctx.channel().attr(ClientRequestResponseConverter.DISCARD_CONNECTION).set(true); // SSE traffic should always discard connection on close.
ChannelPipeline pipeline = ctx.channel().pipeline();
if (!HttpHeaders.isTransferEncodingChunked((HttpResponse) msg)) {
pipeline.addFirst(SSE_DECODER_HANDLER_NAME, new ServerSentEventDecoder());
* If there are buffered messages in the previous handler at the time this message is read, we would
* not be able to convert the content into an SseEvent. For this reason, we also add the decoder after
* this handler, so that we can handle the buffered messages.
* See the class level javadoc for more details.
pipeline.addAfter(NAME, SSE_DECODER_POST_INBOUND_HANDLER, new ServerSentEventDecoder());
} else {
pipeline.addAfter(NAME, SSE_DECODER_HANDLER_NAME, new ServerSentEventDecoder());
} else if (msg instanceof LastHttpContent) {
LastHttpContent lastHttpContent = (LastHttpContent) msg;