public Firehose connect(InputRowParser inputRowParser) throws IOException, ParseException
{"Connecting firehose: dataSource[%s], interval[%s]", dataSource, interval);
// better way to achieve this is to pass toolbox to Firehose, The instance is initialized Lazily on connect method.
// Noop Task is just used to create the toolbox and list segments.
final TaskToolbox toolbox = injector.getInstance(TaskToolboxFactory.class).build(
new NoopTask("reingest", 0, 0, null, null)
try {
final List<DataSegment> usedSegments = toolbox
.submit(new SegmentListUsedAction(dataSource, interval));
final Map<DataSegment, File> segmentFileMap = toolbox.fetchSegments(usedSegments);
VersionedIntervalTimeline<String, DataSegment> timeline = new VersionedIntervalTimeline<String, DataSegment>(
for (DataSegment segment : usedSegments) {