/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
public void interactiveValidation() throws com.sun.star.uno.Exception, java.lang.Exception
SingleControlValidation validation;
XPropertySet focusField;
validation = new SingleControlValidation( m_document, 5, 5, "DatabaseFormattedField", new NumericValidator() );
focusField = validation.getInputField();
validation.setExplanatoryText( "Please enter a number between 0 and 100, with at most 1 decimal digit" );
validation = new SingleControlValidation( m_document, 90, 5, "DatabaseTextField", new TextValidator() );
validation.setExplanatoryText( "Please enter a text whose length is a multiple of 3, and which does not contain the letter 'Z'" );
validation = new SingleControlValidation( m_document, 5, 55, "DatabaseDateField", new DateValidator() );
validation.setExplanatoryText( "Please enter a date in the current month" );
validation.getInputField().setPropertyValue( "Dropdown", new Boolean( true ) );
validation = new SingleControlValidation( m_document, 90, 55, "DatabaseTimeField", new TimeValidator() );
validation.setExplanatoryText( "Please enter a time. Valid values are all full hours." );
validation = new SingleControlValidation( m_document, 5, 110, "DatabaseCheckBox", new BooleanValidator( false ) );
validation.setExplanatoryText( "Please check (well, or uncheck) the box. Don't leave it in indetermined state." );
validation.getInputField().setPropertyValue( "TriState", new Boolean( true ) );
validation = new SingleControlValidation( m_document, 90, 110, "DatabaseRadioButton", new BooleanValidator( true ), 3, 0 );
validation.setExplanatoryText( "Please check any but the first button" );
validation = new SingleControlValidation( m_document, 5, 165, "DatabaseListBox", new ListSelectionValidator( ), 1, 24 );
validation.setExplanatoryText( "Please select not more than two entries." );
validation.getInputField().setPropertyValue( "MultiSelection", new Boolean( true ) );
validation.getInputField().setPropertyValue( "StringItemList", new String[] { "first", "second", "third", "forth", "fivth" } );
// switch to alive mode
m_document.getCurrentView( ).toggleFormDesignMode( );
m_document.getCurrentView( ).grabControlFocus( focusField );