Class InfoSapientController mediates the state for the rules Server and the knowledgebase development environment.
IDE Tasks:
- Part of the bootstrap process to launch the Knowledgebase browser .
- Maintains the state between windows(notifies and directs action to dependent visual components when a fuzzy component has changed.)
- Responsible for knowledgebase persistence.
Server Tasks:
Mediates event handling between the InfoSapientWorker thread and the FzyTorquemada. - Notify the server when an answer is given from the execution manager (FzyTorquemada).
- Notify the server and log when an error occured in processing.
- Notify the server when additional information is needed (handleAskPrompt)
Modifucation Log
- 01/26/00: MSStofferahn: made several changes to support error notification in a servlet environment:
- made default constructor public
- set runTimeOnly flag to true
- construct a default runTimeEvent object in the instance variable declaration instead of the InfoSapientCOntroller(string) constructor
- in update(): an error event no longer sends a runTimeEvent, but passes the original error event.
- in readKB(): in the catch( ParseError ), the new FSEvent is constructed with the parser as the originator, instead of this. In update(), the controller was ignoring the message, since it was the originator.
- in InfoSapientController(String), the Log is contructed with a PrintWriter instead of the deprecated PrintStream; removed the setting of the runTimeOnly flag and creating the runTimeEvent, as these are now done in the declaration.
@version $Revision: $
@package infosapient.control
@see InfoSapientLauncher
@see InfoSapientRuleEditor
@see InfoSapientAttributeEditor
@see InfoSapientInferenceEditor
@see InfoSapientInferControl
@see FzyTorquemada