* fuir = FontManager.getCompositeFontUIResource(desktopFont); * } * return fuir; */ public static FontUIResource getCompositeFontUIResource(Font font) { throw new NotYetImplementedError(); }
public static FontUIResource getCompositeFontUIResource(Font font) { throw new NotYetImplementedError(); } public static Font2D getNewComposite(String family, int style, Font2D handle) { throw new NotYetImplementedError(); }
* arr[8] = offset of topLeftY * arr[9] = offset of pixel data. * arr[10] = address of a GlyphImageRef representing the invisible glyph */ static void getGlyphCacheDescription(long[] infoArray){ throw new NotYetImplementedError(); }
} } } static void freeIntPointer(int ptr){ throw new NotYetImplementedError(); }
static void freeIntPointer(int ptr){ throw new NotYetImplementedError(); } static void freeLongPointer(long ptr){ throw new NotYetImplementedError(); }
} static void freeLongPointer(long ptr){ throw new NotYetImplementedError(); } private static void freeIntMemory(int[] glyphPtrs, long pContext){ throw new NotYetImplementedError(); }
} private static void freeIntMemory(int[] glyphPtrs, long pContext){ throw new NotYetImplementedError(); } private static void freeLongMemory(long[] glyphPtrs, long pContext){ throw new NotYetImplementedError(); }
* Replacement for compiling only */ public class ShapeSpanIterator implements SpanIterator{ public ShapeSpanIterator(boolean normalize){ throw new NotYetImplementedError(); }
/* * Intersect usrClip bounds and device bounds to determine the composite * rendering boundaries. */ public Region getCompClip() { throw new NotYetImplementedError(); }
* * @exception IllegalStateException If the Graphics * to be constrained has a complex transform. */ public void constrain(int i, int j, int k, int l){ throw new NotYetImplementedError(); }