* Extracts Ant and configures it.
protected Ant.AntInstallation configureDefaultAnt() throws Exception {
Ant.AntInstallation antInstallation;
if (System.getenv("ANT_HOME") != null) {
antInstallation = new AntInstallation("default", System.getenv("ANT_HOME"), NO_PROPERTIES);
} else {
LOGGER.warning("Extracting a copy of Ant bundled in the test harness. " +
"To avoid a performance hit, set the environment variable ANT_HOME to point to an Ant installation.");
FilePath ant = hudson.getRootPath().createTempFile("ant", "zip");
File antHome = createTmpDir();
ant.unzip(new FilePath(antHome));
// TODO: switch to tar that preserves file permissions more easily
GNUCLibrary.LIBC.chmod(new File(antHome,"apache-ant-1.8.1/bin/ant").getPath(),0755);
antInstallation = new AntInstallation("default", new File(antHome,"apache-ant-1.8.1").getAbsolutePath(),NO_PROPERTIES);
return antInstallation;