{@link CliAuthenticator} is used to authenticate an invocation of the CLI command, so thatthe thread carries the correct {@link Authentication} that represents the user who's invoking the command.
Each time a CLI command is invoked, {@link SecurityRealm#createCliAuthenticator(CLICommand)} is calledto allocate a fresh {@link CliAuthenticator} object.
The {@link Option} and {@link Argument} annotations on the returned {@link CliAuthenticator} instance arescanned and added into the {@link CmdLineParser}, then that parser is used to parse command line arguments. This means subtypes can define fields/setters with those annotations to define authentication-specific options to CLI commands.
Once the arguments and options are parsed and populated, {@link #authenticate()} method is called toperform the authentications. If the authentication succeeds, this method returns an {@link Authentication}instance that represents the user. If the authentication fails, this method throws {@link AuthenticationException}. To authenticate, the method can use parsed argument/option values, as well as interacting with the client via {@link CLICommand} by using its stdin/stdout and its channel (for example, if you want to interactively prompta password, you can do so by using {@link CLICommand#channel}.)
If no explicit credential is provided, or if the {@link SecurityRealm} depends on a mode of authenticationthat doesn't involve in explicit password (such as Kerberos), it's also often useful to fall back to {@link CLICommand#getTransportAuthentication()}, in case the user is authenticated at the transport level.
Many commands do not require any authentication (for example, the "help" command), and still more commands can be run successfully with the anonymous permission. So the authenticator should normally allow unauthenticated CLI command invocations. For those, return {@link jenkins.model.Jenkins#ANONYMOUS} from the {@link #authenticate()} method.
For a complete example, see the implementation of {@link AbstractPasswordBasedSecurityRealm#createCliAuthenticator(CLICommand)} @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi @since 1.350