* Queues up a restart to be performed once there are no builds currently running.
* @since 1.332
public void safeRestart() throws RestartNotSupportedException {
final Lifecycle lifecycle = Lifecycle.get();
lifecycle.verifyRestartable(); // verify that Hudson is restartable
// Quiet down so that we won't launch new builds.
isQuietingDown = true;
new Thread("safe-restart thread") {
final String exitUser = getAuthentication().getName();
public void run() {
try {
// Wait 'til we have no active executors.
doQuietDown(true, 0);
// Make sure isQuietingDown is still true.
if (isQuietingDown) {
servletContext.setAttribute("app",new HudsonIsRestarting());
// give some time for the browser to load the "reloading" page
LOGGER.info("Restart in 10 seconds");
LOGGER.severe(String.format("Restarting VM as requested by %s",exitUser));
for (RestartListener listener : RestartListener.all())
} else {
LOGGER.info("Safe-restart mode cancelled");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to restart Hudson",e);