1-dimensional rebinnable bin holding
double elements; Efficiently computes advanced statistics of data sequences. Technically speaking, a multiset (or bag) with efficient statistics operations defined upon. First see the
package summary and javadoc
tree view to get the broad picture.
The data filled into a DynamicBin1D is internally preserved in the bin. As a consequence this bin can compute more than only basic statistics. On the other hand side, if you add huge amounts of elements, you may run out of memory (each element takes 8 bytes). If this drawbacks matter, consider to use {@link StaticBin1D}, which overcomes them at the expense of limited functionality.
This class is fully thread safe (all public methods are synchronized). Thus, you can have one or more threads adding to the bin as well as one or more threads reading and viewing the statistics of the bin while it is filled. For high performance, add data in large chunks (buffers) via method addAllOf rather than piecewise via method add.
If your favourite statistics measure is not directly provided by this class, check out {@link cern.jet.stat.Descriptive} in combination with methods {@link #elements()} and {@link #sortedElements()}.
Implementation: Lazy evaluation, caching, incremental maintainance.
@see cern.jet.stat.Descriptive
@author wolfgang.hoschek@cern.ch
@version 0.9, 03-Jul-99