Package helper

Examples of helper.ProcessHandler$ProcessWatcher

        String sMakeFile = sUnoapi + sep + "";
        File fMakeFile = new File(sMakeFile);
        assure("ERROR: could not find makefile: '" + sMakeFile + "'", fMakeFile.exists(), mContinue);

        String[] cmdLines = getCmdLines(sUnoapi);
        ProcessHandler procHdl = runShellCommand(cmdLines, fUnoapi, false);
        if (mDebug) {
            log.println("---> Output of dmake:");
            log.println("<--- Output of dmake file:");
            log.println("---> Error output of dmake file");
            log.println("<--- Error output of dmake file");
        assure("module failed", verifyOutput(procHdl.getOutputText()), mContinue);

        log.println("kill existing office...");
        try {
            officeProvider.closeExistingOffice(param, true);
        } catch (java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError exception) {
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            cmdLines = new String[]{shell, "/C ", cmd + " ^ echo SRC_ROOT=%SRC_ROOT"};
        } else {
            cmdLines = new String[]{shell, "-c ", cmd + " ; echo \"SRC_ROOT=$SRC_ROOT\""};

        ProcessHandler procHdl = runShellCommand(cmdLines, null, true);
        if (mDebug) {
            log.println("---> Output of command:");
            log.println("<--- Output of command:");
            log.println("---> Error output of command");
            log.println("<--- Error output of command");
        String output = procHdl.getOutputText();
        String[] outs = output.split("\n");

        for (int i = 0; i < outs.length; i++) {
            String line = outs[i];
            if (line.startsWith("SRC_ROOT")) {
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    private ProcessHandler runShellCommand(String[] cmdLines, File workDir, boolean shortWait) {

        boolean changedText = true;
        int count = 0;
        String memText = "";
        ProcessHandler procHdl = new ProcessHandler(cmdLines, (PrintWriter) log, workDir);
        int timeOut = 0;

        if (shortWait) {
            timeOut = 3000;
        } else {
            timeOut = param.getInt(PropertyName.TIME_OUT) / 2;

        OfficeWatcher ow = (OfficeWatcher) param.get(PropertyName.OFFICE_WATCHER);

        while (changedText && !procHdl.isFinished()) {
            if (ow != null) {
            log.println("CheckModuleAPI: waiting... " + count);
            if (ow != null) {
            // check for changes in the output stream. If there are no changes, the process maybe hangs
            if (procHdl.getOutputText().equals(memText)) {
                changedText = false;
            memText = procHdl.getOutputText();

        if (!procHdl.isFinished()) {
            log.println("Process ist not finished but there are no changes in output stream.");
        return procHdl;
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        String sMakeFile = sUnoapi + sep + "";
        File fMakeFile = new File(sMakeFile);
        assure("ERROR: could not find makefile: '" + sMakeFile + "'", fMakeFile.exists(), mContinue);

        String[] cmdLines = getCmdLines(sUnoapi);
        ProcessHandler procHdl = runShellCommand(cmdLines, fUnoapi, false);
        if (mDebug) {
            log.println("---> Output of dmake:");
            log.println("<--- Output of dmake file:");
            log.println("---> Error output of dmake file");
            log.println("<--- Error output of dmake file");
        assure("module failed", verifyOutput(procHdl.getOutputText()), mContinue);

        log.println("kill existing office...");
        try {
            officeProvider.closeExistingOffice(param, true);
        } catch (java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError exception) {
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            cmdLines = new String[]{shell, "/C ", cmd + " ^ echo SRC_ROOT=%SRC_ROOT"};
        } else {
            cmdLines = new String[]{shell, "-c ", cmd + " ; echo \"SRC_ROOT=$SRC_ROOT\""};

        ProcessHandler procHdl = runShellCommand(cmdLines, null, true);
        if (mDebug) {
            log.println("---> Output of command:");
            log.println("<--- Output of command:");
            log.println("---> Error output of command");
            log.println("<--- Error output of command");
        String output = procHdl.getOutputText();
        String[] outs = output.split("\n");

        for (int i = 0; i < outs.length; i++) {
            String line = outs[i];
            if (line.startsWith("SRC_ROOT")) {
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    private ProcessHandler runShellCommand(String[] cmdLines, File workDir, boolean shortWait) {

        boolean changedText = true;
        int count = 0;
        String memText = "";
        ProcessHandler procHdl = new ProcessHandler(cmdLines, (PrintWriter) log, workDir);
        int timeOut = 0;

        if (shortWait) {
            timeOut = 3000;
        } else {
            timeOut = param.getInt(PropertyName.TIME_OUT) / 2;

        OfficeWatcher ow = (OfficeWatcher) param.get(PropertyName.OFFICE_WATCHER);

        while (changedText && !procHdl.isFinished()) {
            if (ow != null) {
            log.println("CheckModuleAPI: waiting... " + count);
            if (ow != null) {
            // check for changes in the output stream. If there are no changes, the process maybe hangs
            if (procHdl.getOutputText().equals(memText)) {
                changedText = false;
            memText = procHdl.getOutputText();

        if (!procHdl.isFinished()) {
            log.println("Process ist not finished but there are no changes in output stream.");
        return procHdl;
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    void checkExistance(String _sScriptFile, String _sName)
            boolean bBackValue = false;
            // Process testshl = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(scriptFile);
            ProcessHandler aHandler = new ProcessHandler(_sScriptFile);
            bBackValue = aHandler.executeSynchronously();
            TimeHelper.waitInSeconds(1, "wait after ProcessHandler.executeSynchronously()");

            StringBuffer aBuffer = new StringBuffer();
            String sText = aBuffer.toString();

            if (sText.length() == 0)
                String sError = "Must quit. " + _sName + " may be not accessable.";
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     * Get the process ID from the Office
     * @return the Id as String
    private String getOfficeProcessID() {
        writeExecutableFile(sProcessIdCommand, sProcessId);
        ProcessHandler processID = new ProcessHandler(sProcessIdCommand);
        String text = processID.getOutputText();
        if (text == null || text.equals("") || text.indexOf(' ') == -1)
            failed("Could not determine Office process ID. Check " + sProcessIdCommand);
        StringTokenizer aToken = new StringTokenizer(text);
        // this is not nice, but ps gives the same output on every machine
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     * @return The memory used by the Office.
    private int getOfficeMemoryUsage() {
        String command = sMemoryMonitor.replaceAll("<processID>", getOfficeProcessID());
        writeExecutableFile(sOfficeMemoryCommand, command);
        ProcessHandler processID = new ProcessHandler(sOfficeMemoryCommand);
        String text = processID.getOutputText();
        if (text == null || text.equals("") || text.indexOf(' ') == -1) {
            failed("Could not determine Office memory usage. Check " + sOfficeMemoryCommand);
        StringTokenizer aToken = new StringTokenizer(text);
        // this works, because the output of pmap is quite standardized.
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            PrintWriter fWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(fileName));
            // change rights to rwxrwxrwx
            ProcessHandler processID = new ProcessHandler(sChmod + fileName);
        catch( e) {
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Related Classes of helper.ProcessHandler$ProcessWatcher

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