// fetch the multi service factory for setup
XMultiServiceFactory xCP = (XMultiServiceFactory)
UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XMultiServiceFactory.class, o);
// create the configuration reader
ConfigurationRead cfgRead = new ConfigurationRead(xCP);
// get the document loader
String loader = getStringFromObject(
cfgRead.getByHierarchicalName(cfgString + "/ooSetupFactoryEmptyDocumentURL"));
if (loader == null) return null;
log.println("\tLoader: " + loader);
// read attributes
String hierchName = cfgString + "/ooSetupFactoryWindowAttributes";
String setupSettings = getStringFromObject(cfgRead.getByHierarchicalName(hierchName));
// remove slots: just plain document types have to start
if ( loader.indexOf("?slot") != -1 ) {
loader = loader.substring(0, loader.indexOf("?slot"));
System.out.println("Loader: "+loader);