Handles the loading and management of plug-ins in the Grails system. A plugin is just like a normal Grails application except that it contains a file ending in *Plugin.groovy in the root of the directory.
A Plugin class is a Groovy class that has a version and optionally closures called doWithSpring, doWithContext and doWithWebDescriptor
The doWithSpring closure uses the BeanBuilder syntax (@see grails.spring.BeanBuilder) to provide runtime configuration of Grails via Spring
The doWithContext closure is called after the Spring ApplicationContext is built and accepts a single argument (the ApplicationContext)
The doWithWebDescriptor uses mark-up building to provide additional functionality to the web.xml file
class ClassEditorGrailsPlugin { def version = '1.1' def doWithSpring = { application -> classEditor(org.springframework.beans.propertyeditors.ClassEditor, application.classLoader) } }
A plugin can also define "dependsOn" and "evict" properties that specify what plugins the plugin depends on and which ones it is incompatible with and should evict @author Graeme Rocher @since 0.4