for (ViewType type : ViewType.values()) {
TypeInfo<?> view = new ViewInfo(ExecutableButtonManifestation.class, ExecutableButtonManifestation.VIEW_NAME, ExecutableButtonManifestation.class.getName(), type);
TypeInfo<?> comp = new ComponentTypeInfo("","",ExecutableButtonComponent.class);
for (TypeInfo<?> vi : new TypeInfo<?>[]{view, comp}) {
// Executable buttons have no view or component icons currently
cases.add(new Object[] { new ExecutableButtonComponentProvider(), vi, ImageIcon.class, false});
// As above
cases.add(new Object[] { new ExecutableButtonComponentProvider(), vi, Icon.class, false});
// Executable buttons should have a wizard
cases.add(new Object[] { new ExecutableButtonComponentProvider(), vi, CreateWizardUI.class, vi.getTypeClass().equals(ExecutableButtonComponent.class)});
Object[][] returnValue = new Object[cases.size()][];
for (int i = 0; i < cases.size(); i++) {
returnValue[i] = cases.get(i);