// c) Main execution method of the Gog simulation.We split the execution process in the following subprocesses
// 1 - Gaia initialization
GogConfiguration gc = GogConfigurationMgr.getConfiguration();
// 2 - Generation of the list of sources according the universe model or user sources given as input
RunnableGogSimulation gogSimulation = new RunnableGogSimulation( gc.getSimulationReference() );
// 3 - Delegation to the subprocess that perform astrosourcelist analysis and MDBObject calculation and writting
// gogSimulation.run();
// start time
long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
// initialisation common to processSource and processSpectra : go
List<gaiasimu.universe.source.AstroSource> sourceList = gogSimulation.initSources();
// gogSimulation.processSourceList(sourceList);
int sourceListSize = sourceList.size();
// go