Package gnu.math

Examples of gnu.math.IntNum

                public Object activate(IokeObject method, IokeObject context, IokeObject message, Object on) throws ControlFlow {
                    getArguments().getEvaluatedArguments(context, message, on, new ArrayList<Object>(), new HashMap<String, Object>());

                    RatNum value = ((Number);
                    if(value instanceof IntFraction) {
                        IntNum num = value.numerator();
                        IntNum den = value.denominator();
                        BigDecimal nums = new BigSquareRoot().get(num.asBigDecimal());
                        BigDecimal dens = new BigSquareRoot().get(den.asBigDecimal());
                        try {
                            num = IntNum.valueOf(nums.toBigIntegerExact().toString());
                            den = IntNum.valueOf(dens.toBigIntegerExact().toString());
                            return context.runtime.newNumber(new IntFraction(num, den));
                        } catch(ArithmeticException e) {
                            // Ignore and fall through
                    if(, < 1) {
                        final IokeObject condition =,
                                                                                           "Arithmetic"), context).mimic(message, context);
                        condition.setCell("message", message);
                        condition.setCell("context", context);
                        condition.setCell("receiver", on);


                    return context.runtime.newDecimal(new BigSquareRoot().get(value.asBigDecimal()));

        number.registerMethod(runtime.newNativeMethod("returns true if the left hand side number is equal to the right hand side number.", new TypeCheckingNativeMethod("==") {
                private final TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition ARGUMENTS = TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition

                public TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition getArguments() {
                    return ARGUMENTS;

                public Object activate(IokeObject self, Object on, List<Object> args, Map<String, Object> keywords, IokeObject context, IokeObject message) throws ControlFlow {
                    getArguments().getEvaluatedArguments(context, message, on, args, new HashMap<String, Object>());
                    Number d = (Number);
                    Object other = args.get(0);
                    return ((other instanceof IokeObject) &&
                            ( instanceof Number)
                            && (((d.kind || ((Number) ? on == other :
                                 d.value.equals(((Number) ? context.runtime._true : context.runtime._false;

        rational.registerMethod(runtime.newNativeMethod("compares this number against the argument, returning -1, 0 or 1 based on which one is larger. if the argument is a decimal, the receiver will be converted into a form suitable for comparing against a decimal, and then compared - it's not specified whether this will actually call Decimal#<=> or not. if the argument is neither a Rational nor a Decimal, it tries to call asRational, and if that doesn't work it returns nil.", new TypeCheckingNativeMethod("<=>") {
                private final TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition ARGUMENTS = TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition

                public TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition getArguments() {
                    return ARGUMENTS;

                public Object activate(IokeObject method, Object on, List<Object> args, Map<String, Object> keywords, IokeObject context, IokeObject message) throws ControlFlow {
                    Object arg = args.get(0);

                    IokeData data =;

                    if(data instanceof Decimal) {
                        return context.runtime.newNumber(Number.value(on).asBigDecimal().compareTo(Decimal.value(arg)));
                    } else {
                        if(!(data instanceof Number)) {
                            arg = IokeObject.convertToRational(arg, message, context, false);
                            if(!( instanceof Number)) {
                                // Can't compare, so bail out
                                return context.runtime.nil;

                        if(on == rational || arg == rational || on == integer || arg == integer || on == ratio || arg == ratio) {
                            if(arg == on) {
                                return context.runtime.newNumber(0);
                            return context.runtime.nil;

                        return context.runtime.newNumber(,Number.value(arg)));

        number.registerMethod(runtime.newNativeMethod("compares this against the argument. should be overridden - in this case only used to check for equivalent number kinds", new NativeMethod("==") {
                private final DefaultArgumentsDefinition ARGUMENTS = DefaultArgumentsDefinition

                public DefaultArgumentsDefinition getArguments() {
                    return ARGUMENTS;

                public Object activate(IokeObject method, IokeObject context, IokeObject message, Object on) throws ControlFlow {
                    List<Object> args = new ArrayList<Object>();
                    getArguments().getEvaluatedArguments(context, message, on, args, new HashMap<String, Object>());

                    Object arg = args.get(0);
                    if(on == arg) {
                        return context.runtime._true;
                    } else {
                        return context.runtime._false;

        rational.registerMethod(runtime.newNativeMethod("compares this number against the argument, true if this number is the same, otherwise false", new TypeCheckingNativeMethod("==") {
                private final TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition ARGUMENTS = TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition

                public TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition getArguments() {
                    return ARGUMENTS;

                public Object activate(IokeObject method, Object on, List<Object> args, Map<String, Object> keywords, IokeObject context, IokeObject message) throws ControlFlow {
                    Object arg = args.get(0);
                    if(on == rational || arg == rational || on == integer || arg == integer || on == ratio || arg == ratio || on == infinity || arg == infinity || on == infinity2 || arg == infinity2) {
                        if(arg == on) {
                            return context.runtime._true;
                        return context.runtime._false;
                    if( instanceof Decimal) {
                        return (Number.value(on).asBigDecimal().compareTo(Decimal.value(arg)) == 0) ? context.runtime._true : context.runtime._false;
                    } else if( instanceof Number) {
                        return,Number.value(arg)) == 0 ? context.runtime._true : context.runtime._false;
                    } else {
                        return context.runtime._false;

        rational.registerMethod(runtime.newNativeMethod("returns the difference between this number and the argument. if the argument is a decimal, the receiver will be converted into a form suitable for subtracting against a decimal, and then subtracted. if the argument is neither a Rational nor a Decimal, it tries to call asRational, and if that fails it signals a condition.", new TypeCheckingNativeMethod("-") {
                private final TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition ARGUMENTS = TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition

                public TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition getArguments() {
                    return ARGUMENTS;

                public Object activate(IokeObject method, Object on, List<Object> args, Map<String, Object> keywords, IokeObject context, IokeObject message) throws ControlFlow {
                    Object arg = args.get(0);

                    IokeData data =;

                    if(data instanceof Decimal) {
                        return Interpreter.send(context.runtime.minusMessage, context, context.runtime.newDecimal(((Number), arg);
                    } else {
                        if(!(data instanceof Number)) {
                            arg = IokeObject.convertToRational(arg, message, context, true);

                        return context.runtime.newNumber((RatNum)Number.value(on).sub(Number.value(arg)));

        rational.registerMethod(runtime.newNativeMethod("returns the addition of this number and the argument. if the argument is a decimal, the receiver will be converted into a form suitable for addition against a decimal, and then added. if the argument is neither a Rational nor a Decimal, it tries to call asRational, and if that fails it signals a condition.", new TypeCheckingNativeMethod("+") {
                private final TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition ARGUMENTS = TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition

                public TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition getArguments() {
                    return ARGUMENTS;

                public Object activate(IokeObject method, Object on, List<Object> args, Map<String, Object> keywords, IokeObject context, IokeObject message) throws ControlFlow {
                    Object arg = args.get(0);

                    IokeData data =;

                    if(data instanceof Decimal) {
                        return Interpreter.send(context.runtime.plusMessage, context, context.runtime.newDecimal(((Number), arg);
                    } else {
                        if(!(data instanceof Number)) {
                            arg = IokeObject.convertToRational(arg, message, context, true);

                        return context.runtime.newNumber(RatNum.add(Number.value(on),Number.value(arg),1));

        rational.registerMethod(runtime.newNativeMethod("returns the product of this number and the argument. if the argument is a decimal, the receiver will be converted into a form suitable for multiplying against a decimal, and then multiplied. if the argument is neither a Rational nor a Decimal, it tries to call asRational, and if that fails it signals a condition.", new TypeCheckingNativeMethod("*") {
                private final TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition ARGUMENTS = TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition

                public TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition getArguments() {
                    return ARGUMENTS;

                public Object activate(IokeObject method, Object on, List<Object> args, Map<String, Object> keywords, IokeObject context, IokeObject message) throws ControlFlow {
                    Object arg = args.get(0);

                    IokeData data =;

                    if(data instanceof Decimal) {
                        return Interpreter.send(context.runtime.multMessage, context, context.runtime.newDecimal(((Number), arg);
                    } else {
                        if(!(data instanceof Number)) {
                            arg = IokeObject.convertToRational(arg, message, context, true);

                        return context.runtime.newNumber(RatNum.times(Number.value(on),Number.value(arg)));

        rational.registerMethod(runtime.newNativeMethod("returns the quotient of this number and the argument. if the division is not exact, it will return a Ratio.", new TypeCheckingNativeMethod("/") {
                private final TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition ARGUMENTS = TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition

                public TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition getArguments() {
                    return ARGUMENTS;

                public Object activate(IokeObject method, Object on, List<Object> args, Map<String, Object> keywords, final IokeObject context, IokeObject message) throws ControlFlow {
                    Object arg = args.get(0);

                    IokeData data =;

                    if(data instanceof Decimal) {
                        return Interpreter.send(context.runtime.divMessage, context, context.runtime.newDecimal(((Number), arg);
                    } else {
                        if(!(data instanceof Number)) {
                            arg = IokeObject.convertToRational(arg, message, context, true);

                        while(Number.value(arg).isZero()) {
                            final IokeObject condition =,
                                                                                               "DivisionByZero"), context).mimic(message, context);
                            condition.setCell("message", message);
                            condition.setCell("context", context);
                            condition.setCell("receiver", on);

                            final Object[] newCell = new Object[]{arg};

                            context.runtime.withRestartReturningArguments(new RunnableWithControlFlow() {
                                    public void run() throws ControlFlow {
                                new Restart.ArgumentGivingRestart("useValue") {
                                    public List<String> getArgumentNames() {
                                        return new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("newValue"));

                                    public IokeObject invoke(IokeObject c2, List<Object> arguments) throws ControlFlow {
                                        newCell[0] = arguments.get(0);
                                        return c2.runtime.nil;

                            arg = newCell[0];

                        return context.runtime.newNumber(RatNum.divide(Number.value(on),Number.value(arg)));

        integer.registerMethod(runtime.newNativeMethod("returns the modulo of this number and the argument", new TypeCheckingNativeMethod("%") {
                private final TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition ARGUMENTS = TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition

                public TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition getArguments() {
                    return ARGUMENTS;

                public Object activate(IokeObject method, Object on, List<Object> args, Map<String, Object> keywords, IokeObject context, IokeObject message) throws ControlFlow {
                    Object arg = args.get(0);

                    IokeData data =;

                    if(!(data instanceof Number)) {
                        arg = IokeObject.convertToRational(arg, message, context, true);

                    return context.runtime.newNumber(IntNum.modulo(Number.intValue(on),Number.intValue(arg)));

        integer.registerMethod(runtime.newNativeMethod("returns how many times the first number can be divided by the second one", new TypeCheckingNativeMethod("div") {
                private final TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition ARGUMENTS = TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition

                public TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition getArguments() {
                    return ARGUMENTS;

                public Object activate(IokeObject method, Object on, List<Object> args, Map<String, Object> keywords, final IokeObject context, IokeObject message) throws ControlFlow {
                    Object arg = args.get(0);

                    while(Number.value(arg).isZero()) {
                        final IokeObject condition =,
                                                                                           "DivisionByZero"), context).mimic(message, context);
                        condition.setCell("message", message);
                        condition.setCell("context", context);
                        condition.setCell("receiver", on);

                        final Object[] newCell = new Object[]{arg};
                        context.runtime.withRestartReturningArguments(new RunnableWithControlFlow() {
                                public void run() throws ControlFlow {
                            new Restart.ArgumentGivingRestart("useValue") {
                                public List<String> getArgumentNames() {
                                    return new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("newValue"));
                                public IokeObject invoke(IokeObject c2, List<Object> arguments) throws ControlFlow {
                                    newCell[0] = arguments.get(0);
                                    return c2.runtime.nil;
                        arg = newCell[0];

                    IokeData data =;
                    return context.runtime.newNumber(IntNum.quotient(Number.intValue(on),Number.intValue(arg), IntNum.TRUNCATE));

        integer.registerMethod(runtime.newNativeMethod("returns a tuple of how many times the first number can be divided by the second one, and the remainder", new TypeCheckingNativeMethod("divmod") {
                private final TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition ARGUMENTS = TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition

                public TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition getArguments() {
                    return ARGUMENTS;

                public Object activate(IokeObject method, Object on, List<Object> args, Map<String, Object> keywords, final IokeObject context, IokeObject message) throws ControlFlow {
                    Object arg = args.get(0);

                    while(Number.value(arg).isZero()) {
                        final IokeObject condition =,
                                                                                           "DivisionByZero"), context).mimic(message, context);
                        condition.setCell("message", message);
                        condition.setCell("context", context);
                        condition.setCell("receiver", on);

                        final Object[] newCell = new Object[]{arg};
                        context.runtime.withRestartReturningArguments(new RunnableWithControlFlow() {
                                public void run() throws ControlFlow {
                            new Restart.ArgumentGivingRestart("useValue") {
                                public List<String> getArgumentNames() {
                                    return new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("newValue"));
                                public IokeObject invoke(IokeObject c2, List<Object> arguments) throws ControlFlow {
                                    newCell[0] = arguments.get(0);
                                    return c2.runtime.nil;
                        arg = newCell[0];

                    IokeData data =;

                    IntNum q = new IntNum();
                    IntNum r = new IntNum();
                    IntNum.divide(Number.intValue(on),Number.intValue(arg), q, r, IntNum.TRUNCATE);

                    return context.runtime.newTuple(context.runtime.newNumber(q.canonicalize()), context.runtime.newNumber(r.canonicalize()));

        rational.registerMethod(runtime.newNativeMethod("returns this number to the power of the argument", new TypeCheckingNativeMethod("**") {
                private final TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition ARGUMENTS = TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition
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