//invoke validate on the pom
String command = "cmd /c mvn --file \""+file.getCanonicalPath() + "\" validate";
LoggingOutputStream output = new LoggingOutputStream(getLog());
LoggingOutputStream error = new LoggingOutputStream(getLog());
Integer commandResult = DataTransfer.execCommand(command, output, error, false);
//delete the simplified pom
getLog().info("deleting file: "+ file.delete());
//handle and log errors
if ((commandResult != null) && (commandResult != 0)){
StringBuilder errors = new StringBuilder(output.getErrors() + "\n" + error.getErrors());
//handle error: Could not find stylesheet
List<String> stylesheetList = StringBoostUtils.getTextBetween(errors.toString(),"Could not find stylesheet:", "->",false);
if (! stylesheetList.isEmpty())